Chapter 6

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Her steps echoed on the white corridors as she passed, disturbing the silence that mostly ruled the place.

A place that even though from the day she remembered it, carried the same style and decorations around, it still felt as if it had changed so much. What was it that had changed?

The walls were the same color, the floor was as crystal clear as always, the curtains were as unmoved and even the air held the same fragrance as it had for the past seven years she has been working there.

Who would have thought back then, when Elle first ended up accepting the position of the secretary of Mr. Kim Namjoon that she was to stay for so long by his side. That she would be the only one disturbing the silence of these corridors with her steps and the only one who would open windows for some light to get inside.

She had to admit. In the beginning, everything was kinda creepy for her. Starting from him himself and the way he kept himself isolated and following with the absurd hours in the night which he would call her just to come and make him coffee. 

Mr. Namjoon had been from the strangest people she had ever met, yet life sure proved to be more strange towards her.

Her breath started getting a bit more speedy as her steps finally took her in front of his office and there she halted for a second before taking a deep inhale and pushing the big wooden doors open.

She was met with the usual absolute darkness in which Elle, didn't hesitate to step into, her feet safely taking her to the curtains which she didn't hesitate to pull, instantly filling the room with the light of the day.

A displeasing growl followed her actions from the man that once again had fallen asleep on his wooden desk and had barely closed his eyes to catch some sleep just some minutes before her steps started echoing faintly in the atmosphere.

"Good morning Sir. It's time to get up." Elle spoke to him in her usual tone, making Namjoon just growl more as he tried to hide his face under some papers.

"Why does morning come so fast? Is someone stealing my 24 hours of the day?" He mumbled before he managed to lift his head a bit and show his face to her as he looked her way.

"No mare day hours would ever be enough to fulfill all the things you like to occupy yourself with Sir." She replied with a slight smile and then she stood there waiting for him to stand properly on his seat, as he did after some more minutes of dragging his body around.

"Why so early today anyway?"

"Your fiance will be coming over, Sir. You have promised to have breakfast with her," Elle informed him of the date he had arranged with his soon to be fiance which as always he seemed to have forgotten.

"Ah, right. I said that, didn't I? Thank you for the reminder."  Namjoon tried to get himself up from his chair only to plop back on it again, as his vision was too blurry to enable him to get anywhere.

It has been four days that he hadn't had proper sleep and the exhaustion was visibly catching up to him.

"I will bring your coffee." Elle's voice reached his ears that ringed annoyingly for the moment and he just nodded his head without looking at her, till he felt the room spinning and he decided to let his head rest on his desk for a bit more.

He heard her steps going away as he stood there with his eyes closed, trying to gather his strength but he found himself drifting to sleep instead. A split second that took him into the void that existed in his memories. Complete and utter darkness. To the point that it made him feel small, it made him feel lost, it made him feel scared enough to jump from his seat in a cold sweat at the exact moment that his secretary was entering his office with a tray in her hands.

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