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Third Person POV:

The castle(the picture above) was under attack by the dragons.

Currently, the prince was being carried by his mother The Queen as she was running to a secret safe room that was for him and his family in times of crisis.

"Stay here Taehyung. I and your father will come for you shortly. You will be safe here." she said tiredly from running as she kissed the top of his head and set him down.

"But mother I want to help!"

"No. I will not risk you getting hurt. Listen to me, and stay here."

But as soon as he started protesting, she ran out the door and locked him in the dimly lit room alone. Where only he could hear his sobs.

-Three hours later-

The door eventually opened giving light to the dark room. As he ran to what he thought was his mother or father he was let down to see their head guard.

Confused he stepped out of the room only to find him and his castle left standing. As his parents laid dead on the floor, ready to come into the room as well.  And again he was left alone with no one to hear his pleading cries for his family that was no more.

Third Person POV:

-Seven Hundred Years Later-

Kim Taehyung was now fifteen and sitting next to his bedroom window.

It had been seven hundred years since his parents had died and he had been living in solitude inside the castle.

Ever since then the land became dark and snowy but it wasn't like that to begin with. It was once a lovely place filled with the greenest of greens and prettiest of flowers. It pained him to see his once beautiful home become such an ugly place but just as his world became cold and dark so did his heart.

He was young and only had his six friends, that he made when he was younger but even they could not dilute the pain in his chest. He wanted this horrible pain to go away......

And suddenly an old memory came into his mind. He had been replaying this memory for the last hundred years wondering if he should go through with it.

It was a memory of his father telling him that once he became fifteen he could design the love of his life, his soulmate, and ultimately his Queen.

At first, he was hesitant about the idea but eventually thought that she could possibly heal the pain in his heart; and his loneliness.

So therefore he set out on a journey from his castle, to a place where the Wizard of his world resides.

The wizard knew everything and everyone and could do anything that you could imagine.

Once he arrived they climbed to the top of the mountain and met the man who could hopefully replace his sorrow with endless happiness.

"I see, you have finally come to meet me, young king....What is it you are searching for?"

"...A soulmate..."

"Well you have come to the right place..........let us begin....Do you know what you want her to be?"

"I am not sure..........but maybe someone who is not like me...........someone who is beautiful..........someone who will just understand me and I understand her...............someone who will love only me."

".....Finished." said the wizard as a picture of a baby appeared on the orb 

"Already?!..that fast?"

"Keep in mind this is an easy feat for someone like me. Now I need you to choose the family she will live with on earth your Majesty."

"I will choose........that one."

"Are you sure?"


"Then we are done. But there are rules you must follow. You can see her once a year but you can't meet her or else you will disturb the peace within our world and hers."

"Then when can I meet her?"

"When she is fifteen you may meet her and bring her to hell." Taehyung nodded

"Next, you can only love her, you can't love another or the bond will be broken and......." he trailed of scared of how the new King will take it

"...and what?"

"...if she falls in love with someone else...she will never be yours again......finally, even though she isn't immortal she will live for a few hundred years since she is your Queen, and as you know it would be a miracle if she survived the power of the immortality flower, but since she most likely won't go through with it, you must protect her with your life because if she dies, you will live the rest of your life without a soulmate. And once the hundred years are over you can get a new soulmate. So do you still want to go through with this?"

"..yes." and it began

Taehyung POV:

I watched as he mumbled incoherent words then all of a sudden a baby formed in his hands.

I saw the love of my life there as a baby, he gave her to me and she was the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen, and when she opened her deep blue eyes I knew I was going to love her forever.

"Say goodbye now your Majesty, I must send her to earth."

Then she flew out of my arms and using his magic he placed the now pea-sized baby in the woman I chose as her mother who was now four weeks pregnant without knowing.

The time with the wizard had come to an end and I journeyed back home awaiting a hundred years to meet her again, but one thing was different; I had hope knowing there will be light in my life again.

-A Hundred Years Later-

I was now sixteen and it was February 21st the first birthday of my love.

I ventured to the wizard to see how much she had grown since she was a baby.

I had now begun to master my powers so I teleported to the top of the mountain. The wizard took me to a portal.

I walked through an alternate dimension ended up in her home and there I saw her smiling at her father with the same blue eyes and now curly brown hair.

How I wish I could meet her already...

I watched her for a few minutes and loved the sight I was seeing.

Then the portal appeared again which meant it was time to go and now she had to become a memory till the next time we meet.


Hey guys it's the was it for my first story? I hope you enjoyed it. If there are any grammatical errors I apologize in advance. If you have any questions or concerns leave a comment and please be respectful towards me or anyone else.

I just also want to say thank you to all the people that have read this. It means literally so much, more than you could ever know.♥︎

p.s. the way time and works in this story is hell is a lot slower, so one year on earth is one hundred years in hell. She ages normally.....for now........and he also ages by a hundred years. Ttyl!

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