Chapter 6: Caroline Flack...

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Harry's P.O.V

We dry off, and Katie was standing there. "Hey, what's wrong?" I rubbed her back.

"Ah, nothing! About to walk home, when my phones on" she smiled at me, looking at her phone.

"We could drive you.. And you could stay over! It's movie night" I said looking at Zayn who was flirting with this girl.

"Sure," she started walking with me to the car. We started talking about how her job was going.

We reached our house, and once we got in there, Caroline was standing there.

"Hi baby," she scurried up to me, and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pecked my lips, then looked down at Katie who was talking to Liam.

"Who's. she?" Caroline asked pointing at Katie. She had a fierce look in her eyes.

"Katie, a friend. Katie meet Caroline. Caroline Flack..." Zayn answered for me.

Katie's P.O.V

"That's not true! The Hunger Games is not a stupid movie" Liam and I have been debating about this since we saw a Hunger Games poster at the carnival.

"Is so! Putting people close to their death, then miraculously falling in love" he said looking down at me. I'm so short!

"Katie, a friend. Katie meet Caroline. Caroline Flack..." Zayn caught my attention, then I look at a 34 lookin' year old. Harry is dating her.

She puts her hand out, and I walk away. No offence, but she dressed like a hooker. Zayn catches up to me.

"Don't feel alone buddy, none of us like her" he put an arm around me. We walk into the kitchen, and Niall was on the phone.

"So you'll come over...Alright bro...the door will be unlocked" I only heard Niall's words so, I basically have no idea what's going on.

"Who was that?" Harry asks walking in, fingers intertwined with Flacks. WHAT THE FLACK?! Okay, I had to try it. I've been saying it in my head since Zayn said her last name.

I notice I was laughing at myself, completely zoned out staring at a wall. "What's so funny missy?" Louis pokes my one dimple.

"Nothing," I smiled. "Just thinking of something"

Louis gave me a confused look, and returned back to Niall's conversation. "Justin's coming over" last thing I heard Niall sat before Justin walks in the door with Christian!! Whooooo! Christian is hilarious. Christian Beadles may I add!!!

"KATIE!" Christian comes running to me giving me a gigantic embrace.

"Chris, I just saw you two days ago" I pulled his arms away from my waist.

"Yeah, Im getting revenge on you for taking my ice cream that one day" he winked and smiled.

"You said I could have it" I smirked. Actually Justin gave me his but I took Chris's.

"No, I gave you mines, but you decided to take Christian's" Justin chuckled at my lie.

"I know, but I'm an amazing actress! He believed that I thought that it was yours" I chuckled again.

Christian then thumps my head, giving me that signal to thump Justin, so I obeyed.

"NO! NOT THAT AGAIN" Justin screamed hovering his head. It's starts, Christian thumps me, I thump him, then we start hitting each other softly. Last time, Justin and Chris rolled down the steps, and Chris's dog started licking their faces. Memories.

"Yep!" Christian said hitting Justin. Justin hits me, and I hit him. Us three start hitting each other.

Harry's P.O.V

"What the hell just happened?" Zayn asked staring at the three hitting each other.

"SHUT UP" Caroline randomly screams at the squeals from them four.

Justin, Christian, and Katie thump her, and sit there with smirks. "I'll let it slide because I was a but rude but next time I'll kill you all"

Justin thumps her again, "Gonna kill Justin Bieber? Really"

Caroline jumped up, but I held her back as everyone in the kitchen fell into laughter.


"We should go camping!" Louis suggest out of the blue.

"Where?" I asked. What's gotten into his mind lately. He's just been saying random stuff in the middle of nowhere!

"The backyard. We can sleep out there" he said looking around at us.

"I'm in" Katie said

"Me too" Justin said.

"Me three" Christian added.

"Me four" Zayn, Liam, and Niall said together.

I look at Caroline. "No, I'm not sleeping outside. Animals sleep outside and I'm not an animal" she says while sitting on my lap.

"Bye" Katie said, holding Louis' hand. Louis looked at me, then shook his head. What'd I do wrong?

I listen to their conversation, as much as I heard its about Caroline.

"Stuck up much?" Justin whispered in Katie's ear. She giggled, then nodded as an agreement.

"SHE'S FLACKING CRAZY" Christian yelled, then everyone broke into a fit of laughter.

Caroline then left out the door, and then I went out camping with them.

Katie's P.O.V

We get outside, and I'm sharing the trampoline with Harry, Louis, Justin, and Christian. Justin and Chris..completely out! Louis and Harry..I overhear them talking.

"What's with you?" Louis asked making the trampoline move a little.

"What'd you mean? I'm fine" Harry did sound confused, but I continued to listen.

"You've been letting Caroline basically take over your life. She was talking about a new purse she wanted and you promised her you'd buy it! She's using you"

"She is not. I really like her" Harry said. I chuckled lightly, and I think they heard me.

They then continue talking, but Harry kept doubting everything.

"Harold Styles. Stop being denial. What Louis is saying is obviously true, and you're just being a cougar. Listen to what Louis has to say before you talk, and maybe he can talk some sense into you. Gosh! Can't we go camping without any arguments!?" I shouted a little too loud. I think I just woke everyone up.

I snuggle up next to Justin in the covers, and fall into a sleep proud of what I just blurted out.

Harry's P.O.V

"I'm not being rude mate, but what Katie just said is true" Louis sighed, laying his head down in his pillow.

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