Chapter 1 ~ New Beginnings

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A year after the wedding and coronation, Marinette finds out that they are expecting a little prince or princess. She thinks it will be easy to tell him, but she's wrong...

°Marientte's P.O.V°

I just found out something incredible. How am I going to tell my husband? I know he'll be thrilled. I walk down the stairs one morning to see my crying husband, sitting on the water fountain.

"What's wrong, Adrien?"

"There's a war going on between two kingdoms, and I have to fight in it..." I start to cry. I sit down next to him. "Really? There's no way out of it?"

He shakes his head. "Their coming to get me today, I'll be gone for 6 months." I start to cry even more and hug him. "I'm gonna miss you so much, Princess."

"I'm gonna miss you too... I have something to tell you..." He looks up at me. "I'm-" A car beeps, it's the car to take him away. "This early? ...We'll I guess this is goodbye." Gabriel and Natalie walked out and watched his son walk towards the car. He opens the car door after kissing me.

"ADRIEN!" I shout he looks at me. "YOUR GOING TO BE A FATHER!" I shout. He starts to cry and smiles. He tries to walk toward me. But, an arm pulls him back. "I love you!" He shouts as he gets into the car. "I love you..."

As the car drives away, I start to cry. I walk back to our room, which was empty. Tikki flies out. "It will be okay Marinette. There's no more Hawkmoth, and your going to be a mom soon."

"Without him Tikki, he won't be here for any of that." I hear a knock on the door, it's Alya with her 3 month old son, Andrew.

"Nino left too..." She starts to cry. Her husband too, was just sent away. "I know this must be hard for you Mari, especially with the baby." I start to cry. She comforts me. This was going to be long 6 months.

5 months later...

I am sleeping alone. I see something in my mind. It''s...Adrien. He's shouting. He has bruises and scrapes all over him. He's crying. I wake up in tears. It was a nightmare...but still seemed real. I grab a lantern and walk into the back garden to clear my thoughts.

I sit down on the water fountain and start to cry. I can't handle this anymore. Gabriel starts walking toward me. "Oh! I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"No! No...I woke up on my own." He walks and sits next to me. "How are you doing?"

"Not well, I miss him." He hugs me. "He'll come back. He misses you too. He loves you so much."

Natalie walks toward us. "Excuse me, It appears the war is over. Adrien should be reporting home later today." I smile and wipe my tears.

Later that day...

My parents arrived to welcome him home. I sit down on the other side of the fountain and await his arrival. I wear a pink flowy dress. My hair tied up. We all gather and wait. I see a car pull up, a blonde gets out. He drops his bags and holds out his arms. I run as fast as I can and jump into his arms. He kisses my head and we both start tearing up. "I missed you so much!" I whisper in his ear.

A few months later...

There I was holding my beautiful baby boy. He had my hair and Adrien's emerald eyes. We decided on the name Louis. I am holding him and Adrien is sitting next to me with his arm around me.

The new grandparents walk in. My mother runs over to me and Adrien to see the baby. She picks him up and craddles him. He has a cat onesie on him and he's fast asleep. My dad walks over and holds him. Adrien kisses me on the head. We now had a son. And, Adrien wasn't going anywhere.

I wanted to add a little emotion to this chapter, and I hoped it was good. I really enjoy writing, and I hope you enjoy what I write. This story will continue, and someone will appear...who do you think it is? Who will be the enemy they all fear?

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