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This is the story I made for the GIRL'S POV in Esmeraldo.

I grew up with the story of the guy who lives in the castle located at the the heart of the forest. According to the rumors the man alone hid himself in solitude at the Old Castle and wore a masks to hide his ugly face. Furthermore it has been said that the man is the love child of the Duke and was sent away in the farthest place as possible. But all of them were remain as mystery. I don't know but I always find myself getting affected into his story as if I can feel his sorrow and loneliness. He indeed shutting him self to the world. Every time I was able to catch a glimpse of his castle there was a sudden feeling that forces me to stop what ever i am doing  and simply go there and solve its mystery. I wanted to see him and maybe make friends so that he will not be alone anymore but reality hits me. I only have myself in this life too  . It has been years when my grandmother passed away that's why I was left alone but it doesn't stop me from surviving this fate. Every day I go to the forest to look for anything and exchange it for money in the market   and thats how my life revolves around until one day.. I didn't notice that iam already here in the forbidden castle because I'm so engrossed with the surroundings. It was so magical and enchanting even though it was somehow old and look hunted . I have  found a way through the bushes  to secretly go inside the castle. Yes finally I am here I hope I can meet him. I was In  awed when I saw the garden. It was full of beautiful flowers,the bees and butterflies are every where. It was indeed a paradise. All the burden I am carrying was lifted and I feel refresh. I am Inlove with this place. After spending some time playing I decided to leave when I feel the rumbling of my stomach . Maybe stealing some won't hurt right? I think he would not notice. I will sell them to market. And then I can buy some food to eat. Every another day I ll make sure that i am here in the garden it is my new hide out. Im secretly wishing that I will be able to see him but I guess it impossible. What will I do if he caught me on his his territory stealing his flowers ? Will he kill me or put me in prison? I'm surely dead but I want to catch a glimpse of him. I know he is not a monster just like what others said, I don't care if he is an ugly creature I think he is amazing and kind..
On a sunny afternoon I was frozen in my place when I discovered that there's a silhouette of a man sleeping in a hammock. I got nervous but my curiosity invades me so I carefully walk nearer. Just a glimpse. I think he is in a deep sleep so I took the opportunity to study his profile. He looks so divine while   sleeping peacefully even though he is still wearing his mask. How i wish I want to look into his face while looking intently at his soulful eyes without any barrier but it was only just a dream of mine. Days went by and luckily I always caught him sleeping on his hammock everytime I went there. I'm so happy and I think just seeing him sleeping makes my heart flutter. Is this possible? To fall in love In a person in this way? Just watching him silently while he is unconscious?I continued my every day routine, after watching him sleeping for a couple of hours then I will also steal his flowers on his garden hoping that he will never got noticed. It was the best days of her life. But an epidemic occur in their town. Most of my neighbours were sick and for the poor like her it was uncurable. Unfortunately I  got sick too. On my  remaining strength I  tried it hard to visit the castle and luckily I found him again sleeping with the flowers around him. For one last chance I studied and memorized his profile and whispered thank you. I picked many flowers as for It was my last and put the blue one on his hand and said good bye to him. Once again I surveyed the place and promised that this place will be forever carved in my memories.
As I lay my tired body in my bed I cannot fight it  anymore. I wanted to close my eyes and take a rest. All of the memories were coming back and I'm happy as I succumbed to nothing. There I saw the familiar place and I saw him waiting for me, handing me that blue flower and I gladly accept it.

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