Call Me Yours

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"You want me to do what?"

Lexa's fork hovers over her plate, a blob of ketchup dripping off and smudging her untouched napkin without her noticing. The girl in front of her nervously licks her lips and shifts her weight in her chair.

"Okay, so Finn is going to ask for Clarke's hand..."

"Yeah, I heard you the first time," Lexa cuts through her, with her fork still in the same position and the red stain on the plain white napkin growing in size every second. "My question is more like: what???"

Octavia lets out a deep sigh and takes her time to wipe the mayonnaise off the corners of her mouth in an attempt to avoid Lexa's gaze. "Look, I know it's a lot to ask..."

Lexa scoffs, then finally brings herself to put the fork back on her plate. She's only halfway through her portion of fish and chips, which was a treat from her neighbor and good friend Octavia – well, she now knows what gave her the honor – but she doesn't really feel hungry anymore.

"...but if you don't do it for her, then at least do it for me." Octavia gives her this puppy-eye look that has always been hard to ignore. She knows perfectly well that she can usually get almost anything done from Lexa if she only begs hard enough, yet this idea is so insane that the brunette merely shakes her head in disbelief.

"I don't even know this girl," she objects.

"Okay, what do you need to know? Just ask away, I can tell you everything you want," Octavia offers with a shrug as she again dives into her portion of chips like nothing happened at all.

Lexa sighs and desperately buries her face in her hands. In doing so, however, she accidentally plants her elbow in the middle of the wet ketchup spot. While cursing under her breath, she tries to rub off the mess using the same napkin, but only ends up making it worse. "See, how am I supposed to look like a suited partner for the daughter of a baron?" she blurts out in frustration. "I barely have enough money to make it to the end of the month and I can't even eat fastfood properly, let alone I know how to eat caviar or lobsters or whatever it is these people have for dinner on a regular Saturday evening. Why me?"

"Because you're a good actress and you're gay, so you can play that part convincingly. Plus, her parents don't know you yet so you can tell them whatever you want." Octavia leans closer to her friend over the table. "Come on, Lex, it's just for one weekend. It will be over before you know. And Clarke told me that she's prepared to pay you a hundred pounds per hour if you do it."

"I-" Lexa forgets what she wanted to say. A hundred pounds per hour to spend a weekend in a fancy mansion by the coast with free food and butlers? Her head tries to do the math, but only reaches the conclusion that this is a lot of money for, well, actually it's just a mere job to her.

"Okay, so what exactly does she want me to do?" Lexa asks as indifferently as she can, meanwhile picking up a chip and studying it for a moment in a bid to look uninterested. Naturally, Octavia can see right through her, but all she does is smirking.

"Just play pretend that you're her girlfriend," she says. "You don't actually have to be her girlfriend, if you know what I mean. You just have to be there during dinner and stuff, so that she can introduce you to her parents and make them believe that she's gay and that she's in a serious relationship and that she has her life together to such an extent that they won't give her away to Finn."

Lexa thoughtfully chews on her chip. The idea still seems ridiculous to her, but for more than three thousand pounds, it sounds like a fair deal. Besides, she can really use the money – if she doesn't find a job soon, she'll be in severe trouble by next week. It certainly wouldn't be the first time she and her younger brother have a jar of pickles for dinner.

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