𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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"Aww fuck me." Afton whispered.
William turned around and smiled.

"Dollie is that you?"

I turned around as well and I got a good look at this woman.

She had blonde curly hair. She had bright purple eye shadow and a bunch of other bright colors on her face.

Her black and white polka dotted shirt with huge shoulder pads. And don't let me start on her skirt. It was a black puffy shirt that could catch the attention of anyone.

"It sure is Willy, anyway how come you haven't answered my calls?"
Dollie asked completely innocent.

I paused and looked at Will.
He didn't think what I think he did.

"(y/n) don't get the wrong idea." William put his hands up in defense.

I backed up from him.

"Yeah... on second thoughts I think I want to go back into the pit."

I was about to walk away when William stopped me.

"Your not going anywhere darling." He whispered to me.

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Willy who is she?"

William slapped his face.

"Can please stop calling me "Willy" Doll?" He said.

Dollie then frowned.

"But who is she?" Dollie said clearly jealous.

I could tell William was thinking something.
He then wrapped his arm around me in somewhat of a side hug.

"She is my new girlfriend." He said smiling.

I was astonished.
I mean I could tell he hates Dollie but he didn't need to say I was his girlfriend.

"What!? But I'm not...."

But I was interrupted as William squeezed the side of my arm.
He squeezed it so hard that it hurt a lot.

"W-what, but Will we had a connection."
Dollie was just as shocked as I was.

"Sorry Doll, but hey we can still be friends."

With William's charm there was no way that Dollie couldn't argue with him.

"Okay yeah let's just be friends." She said clearly emphasizing the word friends.

"Great, I'll call you later Doll I have to finish food shopping."

William then quickly rush me away from Dollie.

Once away from he I pushed away from William.

"Why the hell did you say that!?" I was kind of pissed.

Not only did he say we were dating but it was so obvious that I was a lot younger than him.

William simply smiled.

"She was annoying and I never wanted to see her again."

"So making her jealous would be better?"

I sometimes feel like he is a complete dumbass.

"I mean it worked. Now let's find the meat."

Like all of the other cars rides with William led to awkward silence.
I was still disturbed on what happened with Dollie. How William and he had a one night stand.

I shook my head.

"Hey what were you making anyway for dinner." I said ruining the silence.

"Hmm oh I was going to make sloppy joe's."

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