Upload - Chapter 1

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Summery: One rainy day, Virgil discovers a discarded flash drive containing evidence of something sinister. That evidence is Logan.

Author note: I started this fanfic around the same time as To Become Light. Note to self, don't try to handle two fics at once.

Chapter 1 - Flashdrive

Rain poured outside, running lines across the windows as the subway sped down the tracks. He glued his eyes on the racing drops on the window across from him to distract him from his uncomfortable position. Virgil held his backpack close on his lap, leaving space for the suited man near him to sit. The umbrella Virgil held between his legs left a deep puddle on the floor, he shifted uncomfortably to keep it from dripping onto his pant legs. The man beside him stood, stumbling as the subway jerked to a stop, rushing out the doors as if he forgot this was his stop. Virgil tenses to keep himself from swaying as the train resumes its movement. The next stop was his, sinking in his seat and dreading the walk in the rain. A soft skid caught his ear, glancing to the now empty seat. A flash drive lay where he once sat. Virgil grabbed the flash drive, scanning it over for a name or anything, however only a small printed unrecognized logo was on the stick. He grumbled, now he had the moral obligation to find the guy and return this to him. Or at least try. He stuffed the flash drive in his pocket, slung the backpack over his shoulder as he stood, and prepared his umbrella for the rain.

One hand tightly holding the umbrella in fear of the wind tearing it away, the other stuffed deep in his jacket pocket in hopes of sheltering the flash drive from the rain, he trudged down the slick sidewalks. Silently he prayed that he wouldn't slip, glaring down the street to keep tabs on the growing puddles around him. His mind wandered back to the flash drive. He'd have to dig out his own computer, probably completely wipe it too. He had no idea what was on this thing and he wasn't risking a virus. Tape up the webcam too, just in case. Anxious thoughts stirred until he got home, almost regretting taking the dumb stick in the first place. Digging around in old boxes, almost believing he had gotten rid of his old laptop, he finally found it. With a soft thud, he set it on the desk, flipping it open. He dully remembered that he had already wiped it clean in preparation to sell it, and had quite gotten that far. Ripping a piece of sticky note, he stuck it over the webcam.

"Alright, time to see what's in this little sucker." Virgil mumbled, glaring at the flash drive as he pushed it into the drive (after failing twice, somehow). The screen shifted into a loading screen of a program, Virgil's hand hovering over the stick to rip it out at a moment's notice. His hand shook

"... hello?" Was all Virgil needed to yank out the flash drive, eyes wide. It spoke. Oh god, it spoke. What was it going to say? And more importantly, what was it going to do? Morbid curiosity filled his mind as he hesitantly put the flash drive back in. It was a trash computer aways, he convinced himself.

"You are aware that removing a USB without properly ejecting it could cause damage to its content, correct?" the voice inquired, annoyance in its voice.

"You scared me!" Virgil forced himself to speak, not entirely sure if the program could hear him.

"And you could have murdered me." He promptly retorted, Virgil deciding the voice was male and oddly not robotic.

"Are you..." Virgil paused, reading the program title, "logan.exe... Logan? Is that your name? What are you? Are you going to hurt me?" Virgil realized his last question was pointless and dumb.

"Correct, my name is Logan. And no. I will not, and can not hurt you."

"You're some sort of hyper intelligent software?" Virgil asked, eyes wide in curiosity. Logan hesitated.

"In a sense, I suppose."

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