A Night Out

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"Well that could have been worse." Canada muttered as he left the World Meeting. "At least nobody sat on me this time."

Canada hugged his white teddy bear (Kuma- something) against his chest in an attempt to console himself. Everyone at the meeting had ignored him…again.

He brightened up when he saw Prussia coming toward him. The two had first met when Canada introduced Prussia to maple syrup and they had become friends since then, much to Canada's delight. Prussia remembered him, and never mistook him for America. Canada had developed a crush on the somewhat narcissistic former country.

"Hey Birdie, how are you doing?" Prussia slapped Canada's back in a friendly gesture.

"Oh, hey Prussia." Canada blushed slightly and hoped it wasn't noticeable.

"Do you wanna grab a drink with me?" Prussia asked, his usual cocky grin on his face. "Spain's busy with Romano and France has business to take care of with England. You wanna join me?"

Ignoring the little voice in his head that was cheering loudly, Canada replied, "Sure, I'd love to. I don't really drink that often though..." he trailed off as he remembered the times he had gone drinking with England (they had all ended with having to drive a drunk and raving Brit home).

"Kesesese no problem." Prussia laughed. "The awesome me is actually a little interested to see what you'd be like drunk." he continued with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"E-eh?" Canada squeaked.

Prussia simply laughed and pulled Canada by the wrist outside of the conference building to the hotel where most of the nations were staying. He brought the Canadian up to his room before turning to him and gesturing to his tan suit. "First you need a proper outfit. You can't go to a club like that."

"Um okay..." Canada went inside the bathroom and changed out of the suit and into a hoodie and jeans. "Should I leave Kumakichi here?" he asked as he came out.

Kumajiro looked up at his owner. "Who are you?"

"I'm Canada." the nation sighed.

"Nein, leave him. Gilbird can keep him company." Prussia told him before frowning at Canada's outfit. "And that outfit is way too low key. Put on these." he said, shoving some clothes into Canada's arms and pushing him back into the bathroom.

"Oh…thank you." Canada examined the clothes skeptically. "Um, I'm not exactly sure these are my style, they're kind of more…your style. N-not that that's a bad thing or anything."

"Just put 'em on, Birdie. Trust me you'll look awesome." Prussia said and closed the door before changing out of his own uniform.

While he waited for Canada, Prussia put red skinny jeans that fit tightly around his "five meters", a purple v-neck shirt that clung to his chest, a red skinny tie, white suspenders, a white vest, multicolored bracelets and a pair of red ankle converses. Oh yeah, he was gonna get some Canadian ass tonight.

When Canada finally came out of the bathroom, Prussia eyed him appreciatively. He had given Canada white skinny jeans that showed off his legs and ass (not that Canada was aware of it, if he was he would be mortified), a red v-neck that fit snugly on him, a white skinny tie, a black and red studded belt, and bracelets of beads and rubber in red and black.

Canada stared at Prussia and gulped as his eyes traversed his sculpted chest (and the bulge in his pants). He knew he shouldn't be thinking that way about his friend but he still felt an ache in his chest as he looked at him. Tucking his turbulent emotions away, Canada simply said, "You look good." in his usual calm voice.

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