chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a prince his name Emir . raised to be a king , he was so calm and educated boy he passes most of his time reading books and practicing sport he loved riding horses , but he had a lot of problems with his father bc his father was so stubborn and cruel so they never been get along he was treating him toughly Emir never felt that his father loves him he had bad thought abt his father and was always trying to avoid him bc he got bored of trying to satisfied him so he choosed to live his life the way he want and starting doing his hobbies even making his father mad of him he never cared about his father needs or how he wanted him to be
Emir was all the time spending his time alone he never had a close friend. One day he was hangingout in the hoods of his kingdom he find a boy reading a book alone ,he headed to him and asked him what he's reading he answered him "why u do care ?" Emir was surprised from his response bt the boy didnt knw that he's the prince , Emir told him "im interested in books that's why i asked u" , the boy gave him the title of the book . then Emir asked him "what is ur name" he told him my name is Adam so Emir introduced his self and told him " i am the prince Emir " the boy been shocked and said " sorry my prince for my impolite reaction i didn't knw that u r the prince ", Emir smiled and said " don't be sorry it's okay it happens a lot my friend ". Adam been so shy and become silent till the prince said " ok i got to go see u another time " .Adam said " yeah i wish so my prince " .
So Emir kept hangingout till the sunset he got back to the castle and found his dad very mad not as usual and started saying " how dare u !? U hangout in the hoods alone with no security as a poor boy " Emir didn't care abt him and jst left him he was a very bold boy he dared his own father
Then the king realized that his own son don't care abt the things he say ,
The father started wondering what's the best way to deal with his own son and make him the king that he want when he passed away . The king had a cancer and didn't tell his family abt only him and his doctor knws so that he was wondering how to make his successor ready to rule the kingdom as fast as possible bc the doctor told him u may be can live for 3 months or may be less so that he was worried abt his kingdom , he decided to change the method with his son
After couple of weeks Emir start feeling that his father changed he's not as he used to be , so he started hangingout with his father most of the time and start loving him more than he used to .
One day his father made a banquet and invited kings and queens. Emir been chilling suddenly queen shows up she was very pretty queen Emir been surprised he really like her then he goes to her and introduce him self to her he said " i am the king of the future " and smiled the queen laughs and said " i am the queen of today " they both laughs , she liked him
After the banquet Emir headed to her and said " my queen we r glad that u came here tonight " the queen felt complimented and said " the pleasure is mine my prince " Emir felt something for her and started thinking of her day and night
The health of the king was getting worse so that he decided to tell his family and called his wife and son and said " u knw i never been so good to u both im sorry abt that bt u really r my world and i loved u both i don't want u to panic from what im up to say and really sorry cause i didn't tell u earlier i have brain cancer and i don't have much time to live " Emir yell at him and the tears r falling down and said " how selfish u r why u never told us before why !?" And he hugged him , his father felt so bad he couldn't shows his tears so that he don't look weak. He said " hey don't cry kings never cry be brave be a man u r the next king i want u to be better than i was my son " after a week the king was dying it was the first time Emir felt so much guilty and tried to do what his father asked him to do, the king is dead that's what Emir heard and said " a king dies and a king born " he was so calm and tried to hide his sorrow bc he have to be strong. Every king and queen shows up on the funeral of the king even the queen that Emir talked in banquet she came to him and said " u r the king now be strong as ur fathers wish " he didn't care abt what she said.
After a month Emir become a king and start ruling the kingdom he was very respectful king and modest the citizens liked their new king and been satisfied abt him .
One day Emir was rolling on the roads of the kingdom he saw Adam again trying to sell some perfumes he get to him and said " hey book man hru " Adam was surprised the king here on my store and said " my respect my king sorry abt the mess "then Emir gave Adam a book and said " that's my favorite book and it's urs " and he left.
All the time Emir been thinking abt the queen that he liked , he started sending her letters to attract her attention the queen liked his letters and was writing for him too
Both of them fell in love bt the queen didn't tell him that she's married
Emir started thinking to propose her somehow .
One Emir traveled to her kingdom without letting her to knw before when he get there the queen was very surprised from his visit and said " what a surprise" Emir said " that's the point from that my queen . i came here to propose u my beloved queen i am the king of the north im asking u the queen of the west to unit our kingdoms and get married " the queen been shocked and said " what a surprise my king bt i am already married " Emir felt disappointed and mad he left whitout saying good bye , when he got to his kingdom been so broken and mad so that he started thinking to find out how he can get her.
So that he sent her a letter "u must be mine or I'll do something won't imagine " the queen felt worried and said " u have to get over me im sorry "
When he got her replays he felt broken and started to think what can make her want him as he do. He decided to ask some people abt their experience in love and the only one came on his mind was Adam so he set up to meet Adam. The king get out of his castle heading to Adam store when he got there he find him writing a book when Adam saw been surprised he stand up and said "welcome my king " Emir said "hey Adam please don't treat me like ur king be normal and consider me as ur friend okay " Adam said " my king sorry bt i never had a king friend " then he smiled so Emir asked him "what r u writing my friend ??" Adam said " nothing important im jst trying to write a new book using my imagination and u really inspired me to write another book " Emir said " what kind of books u r writing ?" Adam replied " kindda a roman nothing interesting " Emir said " wanna talk to u abt something on private can we " Adam been very confused and started wondering what kind of thing the king wanna talk to me abt on private so he answered " of course my king whatever u want im here " Emir really liked him and said " what do u knw abt love have u ever been in love "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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