6- Moving on

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"Interpol picked up one of Shaw's guys in Moscow, I went in, had a little therapy session with him, he gave up Shaw's hideout." Hobbs informed them.

"Then why aren't we down there now?" Sidney asked him.

"Well... we aren't invited." Hobbs replied.

Tej who's behind them, working on a laptop, called out. "Hobbs! They are sending in your punching bag, he's wired, he's gonna give a positive I.D. on Shaw, before they move in."

They watched the guy from the balcony, listening from the laptop, what's happening.

"I just got information from Shaw, they are going in." Tej added. "Wait, wait! Hold up, police scanners are saying, alarms going off at Interpol headquarters."

"Shit!" Brian cursed. "He brought us here, so he could take down Interpol, this whole things a set up."

"Brian, take the team." Dom said.

"What about you?" Brian asked.

"Hobbs and I'll wait for Shaw." He said.

"Shaw leads to Letty." Sidney informed, she looked over at Dom that was nodding at her.

They all got ready to leave jumping in their cars. They speeded off, driving to the Interpol headquarters.

"Han, how far are we from Interpol?" Sidney asked on the walkie talkie.

Han answered. "Twelve blocks away."

"You guys! It's a ghost town over there." Tej added. "Shaw must of pulled all the cops to him."

"Alright, we're all in this shit, so let's go get it." Rome stated to them.

They speeded round London,when Han came on the radio. "Interpol straight ahead."

Suddenly someone started shooting at them fron the rooftops, as they got out and took him at them firing back, but some get into their cars, driving off.

Brian shouted. "Get in, let's go!"

They jumped into the cars, following after them. "I got the Rover." Tej informed.

"Okay, well I got—" Rome began as Sidney looked behind to see a modified F1 car look. "Whatever the hell that thing is!" Rome called out.

Someone from the range Rover shot something from the back of the car as it landed to Tej and Roman's cars.

"What is that? A hockey punk?" Rome asked and Sidney smiled, tilting her head.

Suddenly, they shot at Brian too, aiming next for Sidney but she quickly swerved out of the way, behind Rome. Suddenly Tej's car swerved to the left hitting a parked car at speed flipping once at the back from his car as Sidney widened her eyes.

"Tej..." She said quietly keeping her eyes widen.

Suddenly, Rome's car pitches on the right knocking onto hers, as Sidney suddenly smashed her head against the window, shouting in pain.

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