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Here I stand in the meadow..

Once alive, green and vibrant

The sky was blue...

Ringed with tall Oaks and Maples...

But now, the sky is grey..

The leaves are fallen...

The oaks reach for the clouds,

With skeletal fingers...

So here I am...

Naked, vulnerable...

Here I stand...

Waiting, for Judgement...

The Storm breaks...

The Wind howls...

Lightning flashes...

The tree's twist and groan...

The wind pulls at my hair,

Whipping it in and out of my eyes

I'm blinded, but it doesn't matter

I know what's next...

The rain lashes down on me,

Like 1000 little fists...

Flailing away at me...

Beating every part of my body...

This is my punishment...

This vengeance exacted upon me...

I fall to my knees...

Lower my face from the onslaught...

Here I lie..

Cold, wet, alone...

Tired and beaten...


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2012 ⏰

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