The diffrent girl

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It was a regular day on the island of kiyatun. My family and I lived In a big house on the island that belonges to our Ants esters . They are still alive and live with me along with my sister ,parents , and grandparents. Kiyatune is not on the american map because it is a very hidden place located on the pacific ocean the climate was all ways the same warm and rainywe had lots of valcanoes on the island also. Everyone on kayatune was different from people we learned about "Americans" my dad named me and my sister after the famous cars mersadez and my sister was Alexus the others had native names but we all had two names a secret name and a cover up name. Don't tell but my real name is Athena like the greek goddess I was named this because my dad said I wasn't the same as the others in my family he never told me why and said as I get older I will learn. I am 11 now and I am starting to think I have multiple talents like:swim as if I were a fish (without having to get up for air), ability to climb like a monkey,to twist and stretch, strength of mind, able to see the futer, age(I age twice as fast as regular people and live longer as does my family) telaxunsios , life (bring or keep someone from death) photo graphic memory ,behave like animals, and excelent seeing .my dad said I get these gifts from the one apon us and I believe Him. The others don't know of my powers but they know I am different. I have lived on kayatune for 6 American years and 12 kayatune years And I know every inch of the island.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2012 ⏰

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