last in line

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After the agonizing long wait, security opened the arena doors allowing everyone to swarm in. You and your friend were near the front of the line with front row tickets. So you should get a pretty good view. You reached your places and waited for the doors to shut and the concert to begin.

Not so long after you got inside the doors shut and the light above shut off and the vibrant stage lights lit up and the boy who is the center of you universe, the one and only LUKE HEMMINGS,walked onto the stage. Followed by Calum,Michael and Ashton. All with their instruments and Ashton with his drumsticks. The crowd erupted with screams

(I'm just going to skip speaking from the boys and that stuff. So I'm just going to keep it relatively short and get to the main part)

Throughout the whole concert you had you eyes fixed on Luke, watching how his jaw tensed and relaxed with certain words, you saw his eyes shut tight with different pitches of his voice, how he moved so elegantly and you swore bling he made eye contact with you multiple times and when you looked at the other boys his gaze was on you.

The concert had ended but not for you because your tickets were so good you were allowed to go backstage and meet the boys in person.

As you and your friend were waiting by the door for your turn to meet them her phone rang.

You: "Y/f/n, you okay?

Y/f/n" no I gotta go home now, mum needs me, you go in and meet them I don't mind leaving"

You:"I'm not leaving you, I'm coming with you"

Y/f/n:"no your not, now go"

And with that she pushed you through the doors as it was your turn to meet them and hailed a taxi.

You huffed and turned to see four angels in front of you, three with big smiles coming forward to great you but the other was just stood there in what looked like....shock?






A"HIIIIIII" he then gave you a tight hug as if he'd known you his whole life, when really it was a few seconds.

Y"OMG, hi"hugging him back

M"hi, I'm Michael, and you are?"


C"hi y/n, how are you, did you enjoy the show?" He smiled cheekily

Y"YES, how could I not, you guys are like awesome and sing on point. Like legit angels" you then blushed and your sudden burst of confidence you never had before.

You then hear I light slap and a "ow, what was that for?!"from Luke Then a "go talk to her"from Michael.

You were aimlessly talking to Ashton and Calum at this point about random bands which they were both surprised that you liked.

Luke came over and awkwardly stood near you looking at his fidgeting hands.

A"well we will leave you to talk to Luke seen as the car has his tongue, maybe you could get it to let go?" He said with a smirk, to which you looked at him as of he had two heads and Calum just laughed

C"cya round y/n"

They both turned and got Michael


Y"how could I ever forget you Michael, plus you hardly know me"

M" I DONT KNIW AND I KNO-"he was cut off by being pushed through a door

Last In Line//Luke Hemmings smutWhere stories live. Discover now