I Can't Stand Him

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  I Can’t Stand Him


Louis was not used to sharing Harry.

Therefore, on that precipice alone, he hated Nick Grimshaw.

Louis and Harry had been friends since, well, forever - their mothers had become friends at a pottery class for single mothers, when Anne was pregnant with Harry - Louis had been two at the time. When Anne came over to show off her little bundle, Louis had taken one look at the wrinkly face and declared that ’Arreh, was his baby. The two boys grew as close as brothers, often driving Harry’s big sister, Gemma mental with their silly pranks.

All of Louis’ sisters loved Harry, and most days you would find Harry having ribbons threaded through his curly hair, while Louis did his homework. If he noticed that Harry’s attention was more focused on the girls, Louis would immediately find something more exciting to draw Harry away. He was not above playing dirty when it came to having Harry all to himself.

When he was fifteen, Harry came out to Louis, in a very Harry way; he shoved his tongue down Louis’ throat. They laughed about it when Louis got over his initial shock and a year later, when Louis finally accepted that he too was gay, he returned the favor.

Funnily enough, the two didn’t get together. Both deciding that it would be too weird and taking into consideration how their friendship would fare if things ended badly. That didn’t stop them from being touchy feely with each other, and because of that, not much people believed that they were only good friends.

When he turned eighteen, Louis moved to London; he wanted to see the world and what better place to start? Only thing wrong with the picture was that Harry wasn’t there. The two of them begged their mothers for months to let Harry move in with Louis, and finally they agreed. It was absolutely perfect. Now two years later they were still living together and having tons of fun. Louis was finishing up at uni, and Harry was on his second year. Louis was majoring in theatre arts and Harry was majoring in the social studies, although he spent more time taking random photos of any and everything.

Of course during this time, they had managed to meet and befriend new people. Both of them dated a few people, but nothing concrete, of course there was the fact everyone they dated had to pass a test from the other. Not too many of them passed because no one was ever right.

“Maybe we’re too picky,” Harry said flopping onto Louis’ bed one night after he let down yet another guy who had failed the Tommo test.

Louis wrinkled his nose, “Maybe, but honestly Haz, that guy bit his fingernails. Not very conjusive for him fingering you, now is it?”

Had Harry been eating or drinking, everything in his mouth would have spewed all over Louis, as it was he started coughing, “Fuck’s sake Lou! Where do you come up with these things?”

Louis looked bored, a hint of a smirk on his lips. “Trust me Harry, you don’t want scratches in your arse.”

Harry shook his head, amazed that he still got shocked at the things that came out of Louis’ mouth. He turned over on his back and sighed, “Did I tell you about Nick?”

Louis’ brow rose like an unasked question, his body turning towards Harry’s.

  Jesus, when did he get so long?

Around seventeen, Harry started to stretch out, passing Louis’ height rapidly. Louis hadn’t paid it much attention until now; his body was almost a foot shorter than Harry’s. He stretched out his body, trying to get his legs to somehow match Harry’s. Harry looked at him, confusion on his face.

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