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6 months. I had six months until my little sister's death date, or at least that's what the doctors had said. I had to show her everything there was to know in such a short time. That was one of the reasons I dropped out of school, to become home schooled, although I rarely am. My dad being a workaholic who's never at home and my mom passing away when Sophie was born. That was two years ago, and it completely changed our lives. Sophie and I hardly see our dad, and I'm not going to lie, it's really hard to keep up at times. I have to take her to all of her doctor's appointments and to therapy on the other side of town since she suffers from a rare illness that makes her go deaf sometimes. At times, I get angry and upset at the universe for taking her away from me so soon. My dad not really being in the picture when he totally could, doesn't really make me the happiest of them all.  Well, enough of the depressive talk, let's go ahead with the story.

... August 2012...

Sophie and I headed to the tickets store, she was very mature for her age. She didn't speak or walk like a child her age should, but she did had very good taste in music. Despiting her condition she's always made it her mission to listen to a whole album without going deaf in the middle. That's when she smiles the brightest, and makes my heart melt most of the time. Me and her had a very strong connection, and the way to make that connection work was through music.

When we got to our destination I parked my car and headed to the other side to take Sophie out. I carried her to the store and saw how her face lit up when she saw the big posters of artists and shows. Her grey eyes studied each and every single one of them, when suddenly, she pointed at the one that caught her attention.

"Thwat one! Thwat one! Alwaia!" She cheered. I look to where she was directing her little finger at, and saw the poster of the guy many girls would die to see. I knew it, it was the one and only Justin Bieber. I sighed and nodded my head happily. I approached the counter which seemed to be cleared out of customers.

"Hello, may I please get two tickets to Justin Bieber?" I asked the lady, she smiled at looked at her computer, then back at us. "I'm sorry dear, but they're all sold out". I inmediately looked at Sophie with an apologetic look and she shrugged her shoulders. She loved Justin Bieber and everytime he came in to the city, the tickets were always sold out.

"Maybe swome othwer time".  She shrugged her shoulders and I carried her back to my car, amazed by how she was upset but at the same time didn't show it. I guess she knew how much effort I put into her, and things she liked and wanted to see. I know she knew,  and I also knew that she understood our family situation (meaning our dad by the way) and why he never was home. It's okay though, it would pain me to have to explain to her myself why besides him being a workaholic and traveling he's never at home. Anyway, I believe it's time for me to take Soph to therapy, meaning it's also time for me to go grocery shopping... Yay!... Note the sarcasm? 

"C'mon Soph, let's take you to Mrs. Carson's class" I said. She nodded her head happily, she liked Mrs. Carson very much. I started the car and drove off to Soph's therapy. Back to where the lady at the counter said there were no tickets?Yeah... I will find tickets. Last time I checked I only had 6 months left befor a major change in Sophie life's was about to be made, so I'm going to get tickets... but how?


This is a prologue/filler for a new fanfic im writting, hope you guys like it!! Feel free to leave a comment!

Thank you,


You & Me Together, Forever - A Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now