The wish

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She put out the candle on her cake celebrating her 200th birthday, although she didn't look like it at all. A late 20's looking woman, she was. She made the same wish she had been making for a couple of decades now. She had no hope of that wish coming true, as it was impossible.

I wish...

She wasn't clueless, she knew how this magic worked. But she liked toying with the system a bit, out of curiosity and out of love for chaos too. Every body wished weird wishes and impossible ones too, yet they had come true. She was the only one known for breaking the system. Being bribed by many to reveal her secret, She didn't, for several reasons.

The first being that she knew everyone was greedy for life, as in that people not having their wish granted that year until their next birthday have one more year added to their life, and you wouldn't age either, Which was the reason she had looked like a young model.

Second, she was very childish. always loved toying with people and feeling superior that she was clever enough to know. Some may call it being immature, but she didn't care; they all still wanted to know.

Third, she wanted challenge. She was so competitive in her smarts that she believed there was no greater, and wanted someone to prove her wrong. She was very bossy about it, yes, but no one hated her for that as they knew it was true.

Death was very amused at what she had wished this time, as it was the very same wish. "You've got some nerve, wishing to be me." It said standing in the dorway

She replied, her nose in the air, tilting her head playfully to the side, "And you've got some attitude, refusing poor anglet's begging and requests every fourth of November."The elf-looking creature stood cross armed between them looking at the two with pure anger.

"I feel like a mom that has to break the fight between her bratty children. And guess what, I have to do it every year!" They said in a squeaky voice rising with anger.

"I'm not changing my wish"

"And I'm not switching my place for another"

"FINE. you know what? Fine. I'm done here." And with a swish of their cape, they vanished. Right after the pair exchanged competitive glances at each other

Oh, and, did I mention that she also made her wishes  because of her love of interacting with supernatural and such?

"You've got to get your script together, narrator. Can't risk damaging my image in front of my audience" she said flipping her hair in a model-type fashion, as death rolled it's eyes behind her.

"If it wasn't for the rules I would've taken you to hell"

"I'd like to see you try."

▪︎Bonus (because she threatened me to)

"If you want that," She said motioning at her cake, "take it, I'm already late to a meeting. Don't have time for that."

"I'm not rescuing you from yet another reality again," death said threateningly after her

"Yeah, yeah." She said stepping into the portal lying casually in one corner of the room. Probably didn't even hear what death had to say.

"But I heard that!"

Aaand the fourth wall doesn't even exist anymore.

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