Katniss POV

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    I am in the woods with Gale. I love it when I am with him. I just feel, I feel safe. Nothing like The Hunger Games. I have tapes of them. I have never actually been in one. I never want to be in one.  But, I feel safe with him. Now, there is this other boy. Peeta. I don't know about him. The Baker's Boy. I don't know if I like him or not. He is the kind that, I don't know about. Just like Gale. I have no clue what to think of him. I don't love him or anything. I think.

    I lean on the trunk of a tree, daydreaming, when a big 10 point buck walks in front of me. I pull my bow string back and let the arrow fly. It hits it right in the heart. Gale also shoots a couple of arrows in it. Within seconds, the deer hits the ground, dead. Me and my family will have a feast tonight. I have also gathered some roots and killed a few squirrels and rabbits. On my way back to the fence I pick a few mint leaves to put in our tea at home. My mom loves tea.

    Prim will probably have milked her goat so we can have some milk with our supper. We also have some goat cheese back at home too. When I get back home, I start to cook and clean the deer meat. My mom puts some roots and herds into a stew with some of the meat. We store the rest of it for other days. I also go ahead and clean the squirrel and the rabbit too. The supper taste delicious. I havn't had a good supper that made my stomach full in days.

    The next morning I decide to go and stop by at Peeta's place. I have NEVER done that before. It seems that he has something to say to me. He is always staring at me and never says anything. But, when I look his way he blushes and then looks away. So.. I decided to go talk to him.

    I knock on his door.

"Hey Peeta," I say sheepishly not knowing what to say. I was never good at making freinds, that is why I only have Gale.

"Hi Katniss. Are you here to buy some bread?" He askes.

"No, I am here to talk. You have been staring at me like you wanted to say something, but never has," I replied.

"Oh umm... I don't have anything to say. It's just that, that you look like the kind of girl that would be cool to hang out with." He states.

"Oh. Well, I guess we could hang out some. I mean, more friends the merrier. Right?" Ooh. No Katniss.

"Ok. We can hang out tomorrow. Maybe go to the park or something?" He says.

"Uh, yea. Ok." What have I gotten myself into? 

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