History Repeats.

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"Okay, Y/L/N?"


There was a pause while Peters checked his list "...Black! Black? Where are you...? There you are, please step forward."

Materialising from a group of new recruits, stepped forward a man who could only be described as devastating. A sharp jawline flanked chiseled cheekbones which framed slate grey eyes. Eyes that seemed as though they could look into your very soul.

The aristocratic features seemed haughty until they were interrupted by tendrils of shoulder length wavy hair licking sides of his forehead and cheeks.

Peters frowned slightly as he glanced at tattoos peeking out of rolled up sleeves and an undone shirt collar. "Y/L/N you will be paired with Black while you show him the ropes...."

Of course you were. "Hello Sirius."

"Hello, Y/N." His smile was wide,

"Do you two know each other?"

Sirius answered for you."Yes we do." A simple reply yet leaving all manner of 'how' on the table.

"Not like that!" You quickly replied, glancing hurriedly to Peters....although that wasn't entirely true.

Sirius looked at you knowingly, sending you right back to when you were 19 and falling for him for the first time.

He was everything you wanted and needed back then: fun, spontaneous, and so open to trying anything. You remembered how young you were and how scary the world had become. Turning up on his doorstep to release all your stress and pent up energy was a lifeline in those troubled times.

And what a release it was. Some of the sex you two shared was the most intimate of your life so far. You think it had to do with how open he was, happy to learn with you, and never made you feel awkward or embarrassed.

"A bit like that." Sirius grinned further, shaking you out of your reverie. You rolled your eyes at his dirty smile, ignoring the fluttering within. It'll be fine. "Come on Sirius, I'll show you the ropes."

His grin became wider as he followed you out of the briefing room - god he was incorrigible.

"Stop it Sirius!" You said under your breath as you turned on your heel and strode off towards your office.

"Hey, you could have said we worked together for the Order, Y/N!" He rebutted holding up his hands innocently.

"You know the Ministry doesn't know nor need to know about the Order, hence why they have you 'training' to be a dark wizard catcher." You indicated to a door on your right and gestured him inside. "How'd you swing this by the way?"

"You say that like I didn't sit the exam and get selected legitimately." He looked mildly affronted.


Sirius merely shrugged, "there are a lot of things you miss out on when you don't hang out with us anymore Y/N!"

You began to open your mouth to apologise. Making yourself scarce around your old friends and former comrades hit a nerve, a guilty nerve that you constantly felt the need to justify, Sirius however bet you to it.

"I know, I know - you're a big busy Auror. Now come on - show me what you've got!"

He sat on your desk and looked at you waiting.

The need to clear your throat caught you up to the fact you were staring at him. You hadn't been quite this near to him in a long time, and with no one to interrupt you, those eyes were dangerous and distracting.

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