~||Chapter 1||~

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~Hi all! It's your derpy gal Shade UwU, I just wanted to shoutout to [USER.NOT.FOUND]  go check out his stories for the love of sanity! He makes amazing stories, and in the description for this book, It DOES indeed say I am doing a collaborative with him! If it weren't for him this wouldn't happen so I thank him a MILLION times over as well as thank yall for reading this, but for real go check him out no joke, he and a good number of other people are my practical Idol's who urge me forward! please enjoy! ^^~

  Stephan was studying in the library, researching the different realms, or realities, that existed. He was particularly interested in the Dream Realm, a place that existed in a different plane of existence. He was just reading up about it when he saw his best friend Ffionn Fox coming up to the bunny, smiling and waving. Stephan also saw the familiar brown bear that he likes to call "Lysol" come up too. He seemed grumpy, like always. 

 Stephan smiled a bit."Hey, you two." Stephan greeted, doing a small wave. Ffionn smiled. "Steph! We were waiting for you outside of the ice cream shop!" he whined, which got him shushed by other dolls. Stephan frowned. 

 "It's 2:25 PM already?" he tilted his head."It's three o'clock already. We got the ice cream without you." Lysol grumbled. 

 "Frederick!" Ffionn shouted, which got him shushed again. Stephan looked back to his book, Ffionn, and Lysol going silent. 

 Stephan looked up and saw Ffionn and Lysol facing away from the bunny, Ffionn looking sad as Lysol looked agitated.

 "What's wrong, guys?" Stephan asked. Ffionn lowered his ears, while Lysol looked at Stephan. "It's your book obsession, that's what.

 "the bear growled. Stephan blinked, then frowned. "I do not have a book obsession," he argued.

 "Yes, you do." Lysol furrowed his eyebrows."No, I do NOT!" Stephan shouted, sounding very agitated."Yes, you do! You've been obsessed since we met!" Lysol shouted back. 

 The library didn't care to shush them as they stared each other down. Stephan then spoke again."Well, at least I am not afraid of germs!" he retorted. Lysol gasped. "You piece of SHIT! Have YOU been through a pandemic? Huh?!" he screamed. Before the argument can escalate any further, Ffionn's screaming caught their attention. 

 Stephan and Lysol looked in the direction of where they heard the scream, and Ffionn was running up to them, seeming worried. Really worried, as he had panic written on his face."Guys!! Stop arguing and come here!" Ffionn said anxiously."Ffionn, we're--" Stephan began, but Ffionn cut him off."It's something I've never seen before! Come here!" Ffionn gestured to the two for them to follow as he leads the way to an aisle in the library

 Stephen looked pointedly at Ffion with a disapproving look then got up with a huff to see what the hell he was ranting on about, Ffion led the two to a bookshelf against the wall, and Ffion was looking around for a specific book from the looks of it.
  "Ffion you were talking about something, and you led us to--" Lysol began. But the sound of a clock could be heard and the bookshelves started moving, opening a passage to a basement from the looks of it.


  Ffion looks back at them proudly, and waves them down as he walks down the stairs. "Guys, I heard Steph wanted to travel to another dimension...sooo..Tada!" He waved his arms around.
"Where the hell did you find this, and how!?" Lysol asked sounding agitated.
   Stephen didn't say anymore, he just walked down in amazment. Lysol was just agitated. Ffion shrugged, "I just went exploring the other day looking for a book...And I found this!" he claps his hands.

  The walls were a dimly lit yellow, with slight cobwebs and dust all around, The stairs were old and creaky, and there at the end of the stairs was, what looked like it was an office, and a directly in front of it was a metal door.
   Stephen was looking around, as Ffion was heading up to the metal door. "I think it's just beyond this metal door!" he said, going to open the heavy metal door.
Lysol panics and tries to run over to Ffion, "Wait!Dammit!Dissinfect it first!" He rushes in front of him and takes out dissinfectent wipes.

  Stephen looks at Lysol, "Goddamnit Lysol. We can't dissinfect everything." he argued, coming up to the door.
Lysol looked at Stephen and growled, "Well, you don't know when the spanish flu is gonna make a comeback!" he yelled at him, backing away. Ffion gulped and looked at Stephen who glared at Lysol. But he just looked at the door and went to open it, but it was too heavy. "Crap, I need help." he said as Ffion went over to join too.
  Lysol muttered a string of cuss words and remained behind the working duo, Ffion groaned, "It's SOOO heavy!!" he grumbled. Stephen was trying too and eventually it gave way, a loud CREAK! could be heard as they finally opened the door......

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