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Hi everyone just want to start off by saying i appreciate whoever is taking the chance to read this book, it's my first one and i'm working hard to finish. I took a short break from writing this, but i'm back and ready to make myself proud and give you all something to live for lol.

for the people who read the intros, my name is nyla. Im in high school my pronouns are she/her, Im a POC author. I'm not too good at talking about myself but if you have any questions feel free to ask. Constructive feedback is appreciated.

There will be some triggers in this book, drug/ alcohol abuse, physical/ mental abuse, r@pe, etc. I sincerely apologize if this prevents you from going any further. To compensate for all the hardships our main character will endure she'll also experience things like love and forgiveness, enlightenment, and peace.


My mind is a dark place. This book is somewhat of an outlet for me, so i'm going to let my imagination run wild and i really hope you all enjoy.

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