Cream Filled Donuts

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Mordecai had an early shift this morning, so I didn't have a chance to see him before he left. He's been taking the opening shift rather than our usual closing so he has more time to spend with his girlfriend, Margaret. I mean, it's good he's seeing her more often, but I miss our bro-time. It's been too long since we've punched a hole in a wall. I take a sip of my overly-sweetened, mostly milk coffee. I won't lie, I'm not even sure there's coffee in this. I just saw a mug sitting out, microwaved it and added sugar and milk to the top. I pick at a cold, left out pizza that's probably been left there on the counter for a few days, but I'm pretty sure pepperoni doesn't go bad. But maybe cheese does. Ew. Ok maybe I shouldn't eat that. I get up to throw it away, my lamb slippers squeaking with each step. I throw it on top of the overflowing trash can. Someone should take that out. "Let's see here," I mumble to myself looking through the assortment of cereal boxes we have.

 "Mm Crunchy Swirls," I take the Crunchy Swirls down from the cabinet and grab a bowl from the sink and go to pour the cereal in before realizing the box is empty. "Well shit. Guess it's a donut day," I head to the front door, taking off my slippers and pulling on my boots. I grab my lanyard from the hook next to the door, and go out to my bike. I hop on and start pedaling down the street. The donut shop is a quarter of a mile away, so it shouldn't take too long to get there. What should I get? Maybe I should also get one for Mordecai,,, he should still be there when I show up for my shift. He clocks out ten minutes after my shift starts. Maybe I'll get him a chocolate icing one,, or a creamed filled one,, yeah no a chocolate icing one sounds more like him. I have no idea why but the idea of getting him a cream filled donut sounds awkward. You know what? Fuck it. I'll just get a dozen to share with all the staff. That way everyone can have one and Mordecai can choose which one he wants, that way I can't disappoint him. I don't like disappointing my friends.

 "Hey, Rigby!" The donut shop owner says as I get off and lock up my bike. He's washing the windows. 

"Hey Mr Morelli," I step inside the shop and the little bell above the door jingles. 

"What can I get started for you?" The new, young sales associate asks. She's cute. Short, slightly wavy dark hair. It's pulled into a mid-height ponytail but some pieces are pulled out to frame her face. Her name tag reads Eileen.

 "Good morning, sugar cakes. Can I get a dozen donuts? One of each one, nothing too fancy." She giggles and types into the monitor.

 "Can I get you anything else?"

 I scan over the menu. "Nope, that's it."

 "Great, your total is $19.74," Damn that's pricey.

 "Will that be cash or credit?" I pull out my wallet and hand her $20 in cash. She puts it in the register and counts out my change in coins.

 "The donuts will be ready in just a minute." I nod my head in thank you and walk over to the window. Will Mordecai like the donuts? What if they don't have a kind he likes? What if he's not even there when I get there? I just want to make my best friend happy. He's had a rough couple weeks with finally deciding to not go to college, regretting it, loathing his decision, then himself, then everything. It's been a wild ride. 

"Hey, your dozen is ready," I turn around to that beautiful worker, my box of donuts is on the table. 

"Thank you, darling," I say, winking and taking the box. 

"Have a wonderful day!" She chimes. I leave out the door before I can respond. I shove the box in my bike basket, hoping none of the donuts get squished, and I hop on and start biking to work. 

My legs are sore by the time I make it to the park. The distance from the donut shop to here took a lot longer than expected. I grab the donuts and head into the service building to clock in. Mordecai is at the clocking station clocking out. I have to hurry if I want to give him a donut. "Hey Mordecai!" I run over to him. 

"Hey Rigby, whats up?" 

"Nothing much. Want a donut?" 

"Nah, I'm good. I'm headin out to have icecream with Margaret."

Oh. I'm so stupid. I should've known. I don't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't have gotten donuts. 

"Have fun, bro."

Mordecai leaves, and I feel my heart sink. I take the box of donuts over to the trash can and throw them in before anyone else sees I brought them. The lid falls open. Sprawled on the inside is a message. I look closer, it's a phone number. Underneath the number it says 'Call me <3' I can only guess it's from Eileen. I pull out my phone and enter the number as a contact. 

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