The whisper of Coincidence

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I wake up, eat, study, then sleep. Its a boring cycle since I don't really have friends. My dad have been very worried about me because he thinks it's puberty, well obviously I am just an introvert thats why my life is boring, until... "YAHH!! HEADS UP-" the last thing I heard before I got hit by a very thick book. Am I that stupid for them to throw a book onto my head??? I stood up very dizzy I could barely walk as I heard people laughing. "Hey! Stop laughing at her! Cant you see that she is hurt?! I am very sorry wait I will bring you to the clinic hold on" he carried me bridal style and quickly ran to the clinic as I passed out.

I felt and heard everything they talked about. "Doc what happened to her?? Did she die?!" The same guy who threw the book at me said those words very worried as he tried to shake my hand to see if I am dead. "No she isn't dead but she has a very blurry vision and she has a fragile eyes which made her faint and I suggest her not to use these glasses... maybe contact lenses? And please keep her away from those bullies ok? She has been very lonely just like Asahi- well their both introverts but- you know what I mean now I will just leave you two for a while" as the doctor left us as I sat there just staring at her glowing face.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him but he just kept staring at me. "Yah, u ok?" I pulled him close and touched his forehead to check if he is sick. "Ah no I am fine, um I am sorry for breaking your glasses but doc said that she suggests you to wear contact lenses instead and don't worry I will buy it for you" He offered to buy me one but I refused. "Why though?" He asked. "I don't know how to put them on..." he sighed. "Don't worry I will get a professional to teach you and by the way Im Yoshinori your new best friend" He waved his hand like a kid.

Who wouldn't know him?? Like he is one of the richest person in campus and some even say that he likes this one person but people bullies her alot and there was this one time he fought a group of guys just to defend that girl... how lucky of her. "Y/n I will get our lunch I ordered just a while ago can I go get it? I will be quick" he asked permission so I nodded although why ask permission. As I wait one nurse came in. "Sweetie lets move you to a private room since your parents requested because they can't fetch you yet" as the nurse helped me stand up but I felt dizzy the moment I was about to walk luckily Yoshinori catches me as he requested a wheelchair instead but the nurse took so long!!

"Y/n is it ok if I carry you instead because the nurse is taking forever!" He joked as I giggled and nodded at the same time. I didn't expect him to carry me by his shoulder but I was just hanging onto his shoulder laughing by the fact that he walked like a soldier. He laid me down at the room where I am supposed to stay at. "Until when are your parents gonna keep you here?" He asked. "They are at Scotland because you know Park Jeongwoo and So Junghwan from middle school? Their parents are trying to help my family by paying for my needs as my parents would work for them and save enough money for our future" I said looking at the window hearing heavy rain.

"You can stay with me for a while since I want to repay you for throwing a book to you" he shyly said. "Yea sure why not although I need to ask my parents first" as he smiled wider than ever as I giggled and pinched his cute ass cheeks.

It was the dismissal and I already asked my parents if I could stay with Yoshinori for a while since he seems to be interesting and why not try to have a friend for once! As he drove his nice ass car he pointed the hill with a fancy house on top of it. "Woah hold on that is your house?!" I ask looking at him as if he is insane. "Yep! That house mine although I am planning to get a new house or maybe change my furnitures- wait your studying to be an interior designer right? Maybe you could help me?" He asked pouting.

To be honest I hate it when guys do that. Like they take advantage of your time and tries to make you fall. I want to avoid him right now but he helped me and he seemed to be a nice person. "Yea sure I mean I guess it will be easy for me to design your house-" as we enter his house all I see is wrong color combination and the theme of his furnitures are just A WRECK!!

"Ok your really gonna need some help but we will do it tomorrow cuz its stressful to think of" as we both chuckled. "Sooo this is your room, and if your curious about that closet well its all yours" as I opened the door and saw branded items!! And fancy heels and dresses that I don't wear because again I am a nerddd!! "Woah this is wild..." I said having my eyes wide while looking at him. "Well I asked our maid to prepare that for you since you forgot to bring your clothes- ooh and by the way I'm not sure what girls like to wear to sleep but I bought every single design so you could just pick, I am gonna leave you to change anddd lets have dinner!" He said with a very welcoming smile

I looked at the prepared pairs then my smile turned into a disgusted look because of what those sexy pairs look like. "Yah aigoo jinja this guy is just- you know what lets find something else" i went at the other side and saw oversized shirts and cycling shorts so I look them and changed.

I went downstairs. "Hey that was fast I thought girls puts makeup even at night- woah ok that is new, umm I- uhh ok so um please sit down and feel at home!" He pulled the chair so I could sit. We ate, we got to know eachother but I noticed something, I didn't mean to mumble it out loud but i guess he heard it. "Is he blushing? Or he is just always red?" I didn't notice that he heard it so we were just silent... "y/n, do you like someone? Or whats your ideal type?" He asked. "Well i like guys who would make it up for you or guys that are gentle, i want to marry a guy like my father... and you remind me of him... but the thing is he kept sacrificing for us until he died" i felt guilty that I didn't do anything to help him. I felt warm stream of tears as Yoshinori kneeled down and faced me to him. "You are one blessing for him y/n" the last thing i heard until i fell to him unconscious.

"Jowa y/n... please be mine"

That was long... should i make a part 2???

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