•The Signs at School•

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Aries: Could be either hell silent as the dead or as noisy as the newspaper boy

Taurus: Keeps annoying the other signs and classmates by his annoying pranks

Gemini: Laughing hard because of their own joke and had to leave class cause they couldn't hold their laughter back

Cancer: Staring at the wall clock for every 5 seconds

Leo: How about no?

Virgo: Has good grades and is on the honor roll at class (and is probably hiding some bazooka gun in her bag)

Libra: Never does homework and only does is to sleep in class

Scorpio: Staring into space as if they're planning on a murder or something

Sagittarius: Dafuq am I doing here? Am. To. Smart. Fo. School.

Capricorn: Has the neat, stationary, school supplies and etcetera (and that's why many people tend to borrow their stuff during class or group projects and stuff)

Aquarius: Flirting with the new students

Pisces: Probably drawing some ducks or some fishes in her desk or notebook again.

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