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The first thing u say to me is the word I LOVE U but will u say it until the end 
Your word can't heal my wound your word can't gave me back my trust to u your word cant be seen ur word cant be touch ur word cant be feel, why cause cause its just a word u never let me feel love ,comfort ,trust, but i still gave u my trust cause u said u are my prince and u are my princess ,u are my king and I'm ur queen, u are the dad and i'm the mom, u are the boyfriend and i'm ur girlfriend,u are my man and i'm ur girl,u will be my husband and i'll be ur wife but can ur word say the word I promise cause remember i always say that and i always gave u what i promise ,i promise to love u i gave it to u , i promis to trust u i gave it to u
Every word has no sense if u just let it stand by it self...loving u is my biggest mistake remember that nica is our friend oh i forgot she is your bestfriend and i'm just ur girlfriend i'm just nothing to ,to u i'm just a trash the smallest trash and no where to find i cant even look at my self cause i'm thinking about u ,hope u are happy draco cause u broke me u broke my whole world yea i love u even u are a deth eater but this is enough ur father's boss killed my family killed my only family he killed Hogwarts that is my home and the people thier is my family look fred,lupin,tonks,all of them and the others are my family.

3 years before

Michelle gave a letter to her mom

Hi mom this is michelle

How are u their hope u are fine

Happy birthday mom i miss u already

I promise that i will visit u again how

was nica pls tell her that i miss her she

Will come to hogwarts tommorow

with hermione also mom i have a

Fruend his name is draco and he's

sister chloe is so good she always

So adorable thats all

Mom i love u.

                    -lovingly yours......Michelle

Draco come near me he is so happy his smile tells me that he's sister will go see me in the great hall

D-"hi michelle chloe wanna see u at the great hall"

M-"oh what ti wanna see chloe too"

D-"on 10:50 p.m"


10:50 p.m

C-"hi michelle how are u i miss u so much"

M-"hi chloe , i'm fine i miss u too

(the two walked to the forbiden forest)

C-"wait is that bellatrix?"

M-"oh no i think lets just go back at the castle"

C-"lets go fast"

(bellatrix saw them)

B-"oh my niece is here oh are u Michelle?)


B-"u look so beutiful wait why are u here at night time what if u get killed "


B-" its okay i know who started it CHLOE SKYLAR BLACK MALFOY am i right"

C-"oh not again okay,okay we will go back at the castle"

B-"go now or i will call ur parents"

They go back at the castle

D-"okay bellatrix saw both of u also michelle a girl name nica with hermione granger is looking for u "

M-"oh i though they will come tommorow"


H-"hi draco and chloe"

D&C-"oh hi hermione ron and harry is thier ron is eating a chicken at ur dorm"

H-"as always "

M-"omg nica is that u also this is draco and chloe "

D&C-"hi nica"

N-"hello whould u like to tour me?"

H,M,D&C-"yea sure"

(they saw harry and the squad)

D-"oh nica so this is harry,ron,cho,luna,neville,dean,seamus,george,fred,goille,crabbe,pansy,ginny,
and percy 

N-"holy crocroach ur squad are huge  hi to all of u"


Fred-"oh mama hi i'm fred by the way "

George-"hey fred stop u did that to all the girls here eeeewwwwww if mum finds out i wanna say i love u i always but u have to leave i will also go at ur funeral"

(everyone laughs )

After a few monts

N-"hey michelle did u see my pouch?"

M-"no why?"

N-"nothing thanks"

At the boys dorm

G-"oh uea what's in here oh its so huge"

F-"oh lipstick and blush eewwwwww"

Hp-"of a brush"

R-"is thier any chicken?"


O-"uhm can u see that it looks like a protectionand a thing like a high lighter"


S-"wait can i see it jow strechy and does the high lighter wet?"

O-"oh no its not loke that its a phone protection and a marker ewwwwww"

H-"what are u thinking?"

All boys-"ewwwwwww"

After 6 months

C-"hey nica are u okay what happend?"

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