★ | 002. blocked roads cause detours

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Book: Burn It Down, House Of Wax
Chapter 2: Blocked Roads Cause Detours
Word Count: 2201

Jacob was sat in the backseat of the car, his head leaning against the window and his eyes closed

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Jacob was sat in the backseat of the car, his head leaning against the window and his eyes closed. He frowned in annoyance when Wade turned the radio up. Couldn't he see, he was trying to take a nap? He squeezed his eyes shut and huffed.

Nick heard this and smirked, glad that his boyfriend was starting to get annoyed by Wade as well. The blonde leaned to the side, placing his arm around Jacob's waist and snuggling into his side, deciding a nap wouldn't be so bad.

"It's going to be packed tomorrow." Wade mumbled, hoping only Carly had heard him. He didn't particular want to have a conversation with any of the men in the back seat. Even though he and Jacob really didn't have a problem with each other. If it came down to it, Jacob would always be on Nick's side.

"Dude, speaking of packed, my legs are killing me back here." Dalton whined and for added effect, kicked the seat in front of him, causing Carly to turn and look at him with a glare.

"Couldn't agree more there. No offence Wade but your car sucks." Jacob added, feeling his own long legs starting to cramp up from how tiny the space was. Wade glanced at him with a frown and Jacob looked back unapologetically. It wasn't his fault Wade had a clown car.

"Don't worry babe, it's not Wade's fault his little hot wheels car fits two." Nick mumbled into Jacob's shoulder but it was purposefully loud enough for the others to hear.

A snort left Dalton's mouth and he added, "it's more like a shot wheels car, isn't it Wade? Wade what did you do? Go to the barber shop and ask for a he man haircut or what?" Gesturing to Wade's shaggy hair that nearly covered his eyes.

Jacob rolled his eyes and leaned over Nick to punch Dalton in the arm. "That joke was lame, dude." 

"Yeah, shut up Dalton." Nick said and punched the same spot Jacob had.

"Ow!" Dalton winced and pushed Nick back before rubbing at his arms. "I thought it was funny." He mumbled to himself. However, no one else agreed with him.

"The hell is this." Wade spoke. Jacob reopened his eyes to look ahead, seeing the road they were supposed to take was blocked off. He furrowed his eyebrows and pushed Nick back a little so he could get a better look. "So much for this nice little short cut."

"This sucks!" Carly exclaimed as them and the car in front of them turned to the right instead of going straight ahead.

Wade put his foot down on the peddle and drove into the other lane, speeding up so he was able to get next to the other car. "I hope he's not going to get us lost." He said and Carly hummed in agreement.

"Oh, damn!" Dalton laughed loudly and began hitting both Nick and Jacob. Jacob slapped his hand away and leaned over to look out of Dalton's window. His eyes widened and he threw his head back with a laugh. He could see Paige's head going up and down on Blake's lap and Blake had his head back, moaning in pleasure. Dalton got his camera out and started filming.

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