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It took all of Bright's might to hold Clef back from the containment cell. He was yelling to be released from his grip, shotgun in hand and eyes narrowed feircely on the most recent SCP. "KON WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Bright yelled as he was loosing his grip on Clef, he was surprisingly wiggly and it was hard to even catch him in the first place. Just as Clef managed to kick Jack in the chest and fly towards the cell, Bright heard a loud thud. He looked up and saw that Kondraki had indeed arrived, and he was currently pinning Clef to the floor with extreme ease. Like usual, his eyes said he was exhausted, but his body manor said otherwise. "Dammit Konny let me go! The thing needs to go!" By this time, both Bright and Kondraki made it to their feet, Kon simply holding Clef by his shirt coulor with a fierce grip. Almost in synch, the three's eyes drifted to the containment chamber. "Damm furry," Clef spat, and he appeared to be correct, or somewhat at least. Inside the cell was what appeared to be a large, hairy creature with a long fuzzy tail and paws. What confused them was the attachments it had, instead of a face there was some sort of screen that looks like it was warped to fit the head underneath it. The normal ears, neck, and torso where visible for the most part. On the chest there was a metal attachment which had all sort of weird buttons in some strage language the three of them didn't recognize. The legs where similar in design, all robotic besides small sections in the knees and feet. The arms had an almost identical design minus the 'hands' which had long, sharp claws instead of just normal paws. Whatever it was, the creature was looking at them with a blank face, or well, screen. It had a pair of neon 'eyes' on either side of its head with a mouth along the front in a similar style. "You sure that fits into the category of 'furry'," Bright asked as Kon had released Clef and the three stood before the cell "it seems like an attempt at one but it just broke." They puzzled over it for awhile as the creature just stood before them, arms crossed. "You idiots know I can hear you, right?" It spoke, catching them off guard slightly. It sounded like it had a male voice, but it was extremely robotic sounding so it was hard to tell. Kondraki was the first to speak up, "so then, mind if we ask you a couple of questions?" The creature shrugged, it was swishing its long tail back and forth like it was annoyed of the situation it found itself in. Kondraki nodded, not wasting any time as Bright took notes on the questions and answers. "Where did you come from? What are you? Whats your name? How did you come to be? How where you captured? And what can you do," all simple questions, one's that could easily be branched off on to gain more information. Clef fiddled with his shotgun as the creature spoke, not trusting it at all, "someone made me because thay had some sort of obsession I suppose and also wanted a weapon. They said I'm a 'protogen', whatever the hell that means. You can call me Tron for the time being. And I ran out of energy after getting out of that place and thats when you guys got me. Oh also as for what I can do, I have a very strong database, infrared sensors, and due to my additions I'm much faster than most living things, and I have an assortment of different weapons. I'm also a great cook." A pleasant looking smile spread across his screen as he finished, it seemed like he was starting to loosen up a bit. Clef and Bright could even see a small flash of a mischievous smile in Kondraki's face, and nine times outta ten, that wasn't a good sign. "I'll take this one," he said, not asked, just stated. Bright nor Clef where willing to argue with him, for one thing it wouldn't work, and for another it would just get you on his bad side. The pair nodded and walked off, leaving Kon with his new toy, or experiment, or whatever the hell he was going to use him for. "So, whatcha thinking," Clef asked the red head as they made their way down the hall. Bright thought for a moment, "I think we should watch our backs for awhile." Clef agreed, they didn't want another 682 incident to go down, at least not without them being involved. The next day came rather quickly, the workload was small, and no new SCP's for them to question yet. This gave the doctors time to talk amongst themselves and just get to be friends. Clef met up with Bright along the hall Kon's new SCP was in, they planned to ask it a few more questions. "Wait. What the hell," Clef questioned as the cell they came to a halt in front of was completely empty. Bright took the clipboard from a slot in the wall and scanned through it to see if anyone had checked the SCP out for testing. But to no avail. "Dammit, I bet Kon has it. He's probably off doing something reckless and dangerous without us! AGAIN!" Clef complained as he made his way to Kon's large office, Bright close behind. "Look im sure he's just asking it some more questions," he tried to reassure the fuming Clef. "If he where he wouldn't have taken it out of its cell," he snapped back, quickly approaching Kondraki's office door. He kicked it down with ease, the scent of strange plants, and for some reason strawberries hit the pair's noses. Bright looked over Clef's shoulder at the scene, he hadn't seen Kon's office many times, maybe once when he first got it, but it truly was different from all the others hes seen. The floor was pretty basic, white tiles, but the walls where such a huge contrast to them. Along the walls was paintings, ancient weapons, butterflys in picture frames, polaroids, and a large bookshelf with all sort of old, maybe ancient texts. Leaning against the shelf, Bright noticed, was a very old, very large battle axe. On the other side was what he assumed to be Kon's signature pair of swords which were kept in perfect condition. His desk had a pretty standard lamp, a couple stacks of paperwork, a handgun, a coffee mug, and a name plate with "Director Kondraki" inscribed on it. Towards the back of the room there was a small couch and what looked to be a little oven and a counter, it was a bit out of place considering, but it also just felt like it fit right in. Kondraki was seated on the couch, notebook in hand and pen in the other while the new SCP was at the counter cutting up strawberries and mixing batter, both had a smile on their faces. Kon didn't even bother looking over when Clef kicked the door down but it did make the SCP jump just a tad. "Kon, what on earth are you doing," Clef asked in an almost exhausted tone, like he had asked the question multiple times before, which he most likely had. Kondraki looked up at the pair still in his doorway, "your fixing my door this time." Clef and Bright had stepped into the room and where standing across from the other pair. "Thats all you have to say," Bright asked, the SCP getting back to baking, not minding the two mad doctors. Kondraki simply shrugged, "I think we can turn Tron here into a fine researcher." His tone was so casual that it took Clef and Bright a moment to understand that he was really serious. Very few SCP's where ever given the chance at a new life at the foundation, however, those who got that chance had always proven to be successful. Bright and Clef exchanged a glance of both concern and suspicion, but they nodded at Kon, showing they agreed with his decision. "Good," Kon said with a satisfied smile, he set his notebook aside which was just a bunch of scribbles in polish no one knew how to read but him, "would you two like to stay for a bit? Tron here's making a great strawberry cake and he dosn't have any digestive organs so there's plenty to go around." The pair agreed, pulling up a couple of chairs, and taking the time to know their soon-to-be coworker.

1459 words. Not bad for a shitpost hm? Anyways if anyone had any requests for what I should do next I'd be more than happy to do it. Dosnt even have to be SCP related. PS. I did make the comic and cover, I also take art requests.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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