The Beginning

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Imagine a world where children get a special power on their 14 birthday that lasts until their 18th birthday, a time in their life where they feel powerless. At least in this world they have a little bit of power, a small thing they have control over no matter what. Powers can range from super strength to always finding loose change. It is a very wide spectrum of powers that they could have. Kids usually hope for the flashy powers like flight and super speed. Some kids just want any power they can make use of. This is a story of one girl who lives in this world and comes to realize there are no bad powers, except for her dad's maybe.

It is currently 11:55pm on June 23 and 13 year old, at least for 5 more minutes, Zarina Atauriel is impatiently waiting for the clock to turn to midnight so she can figure out what her power is. Sitting next to Zarina is her younger sister by two years, Sky. Sky just wants to spend time with Zarina. 11:59.

" I really hope I get something useful, like flight or telekinesis. I really don't want a useless power like father had. Always finding the perfect parking is more of a curse than a power. "

" But don't you like fathers' stories of everyone wanting him to be in the car with them when they went anywhere?" asked Sky.

" No, those stories are boring and honestly sad."

" I hope you can fly so that way you can fly me to school instead of having mother drop me off everyday."

"If I can fly I will not spend my limited four years of it flying you all over creation."

" But mom will probably make you at least until you can drive."

12:00 reads the clock located over the kitchen doorway. " Yippee it's midnight, let the trial begin. Let's start with flight cause that was mom's power. Hey Sky can you put the pillows next to the couch."

" Why?"

" So I can jump off the couch and see if I can fly. That's why."

" Ok." Sky responds as she starts to move the pillows next to the couch. Zarina climbs onto the top of the couch. She jumps off the couch and starts flailing her arms in the air as she falls right on the pillows.

" Try again, I really want you to fly me around." Sky told Zarina.

" No, the pillows did not cushion the floor enough. I'll try again somewhere else some other time. Ok?"

" Ooo, now can I throw you in the lake and see if you can breathe underwater?"

" No Sky, it's the middle of the night. Let's just stay in the house till the sun comes up. Ok?"

"Fine. Now try to move that pencil with your mind."

Zarina was staring down the pencil with an intent so fierce. Sky has never seen her sister like that before. Sky walks around to the other side of the table. She nudges the table slightly with her side.

" The pencil moved!" Zarina exclaimed. Meanwhile Sky is hunched over in laughter. Zarina notices this. " Did you hit the table?" she asked with a hint of anger and annoyance in her tone.

Between the laughs Sky responded "Yeah sucker".

" You are terrible. I'm going to bed."

" WHAT!! Why?? I was just having fun. Come back here. I really want to find out what your power is. So that way I can tell all my friends I helped you figure it out."

" Fine but I don't want to leave the house until the sun rises and if I get hurt because of one of your "jokes" you are not going to get any of the cake Auntie made for my birthday"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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