I swear to guacamole if you don't
give back my headphones
you will die!!!Unknown number
Who the hell are you?Y/n
Don't play dumb with meUnknown number
How did you get my number?Y/n
Wow we've been friends for
years and now you pretend
you don't know me
Rude .Unknown number
What the hell
Unknown number
I don't even know youY/n
Wow I know we haven't
talked in a while but to say you
don't know me kinda hurted
I see how it is!!!! Just give me back my headphones !!!!!!Unknown number
You have the wrong number dumbass
Unknown number
Check the contact againY/n
Sorry ಠ_ಠUnknown number
Do you have any idea how late it is?Y/n
It's 2am
Sorry ill go die nowUnknown number
Unknown number
How the hell did you
get my number?Y/n
It was an accident
It's hella late and I pushed
the wrong number
Imma add you to my
contacts for when I get boredStranger UwU
Don't you dareY/n
To late stranger you're added
Then in a few days when
you forget that I exist
ill message you and
confuse you againStranger UwU
Or I could block you
now and never speak to the
inferior again, you're annoyingY/n
Don't be like that
I promise if you stay I'll make
it worth your timeStranger UwU
How would it be
worth my time?
Stranger UwU
My time is more precious
then your lifeY/n
Wow rude
How do you know? I could
be a very important person
I could be the heiress
to some company or somethingStranger UwU
Stop messaging me I'm
trying to sleep I have school
Lol what's thatStranger UwU
School? Figured you wouldn't
know you're a dumbass.
It's a place of learning and educationY/n
I meant sleep :/
I'll have you know I'm
near the top of my classStranger UwU
Where? The school for
fools who think they're important?Y/n
That kinda hurted stranger,
I'm going to cry myself to
sleep now
Goodnight (;~;)Mean Stranger
Word count 394In terms of words this story will be shorter but in terms of chapters it will be longer! Not to mention the big boi of a last chapter I have planned.
So another story begins, I hope you guys like this story! It's one of my babies and I have a spot in my heart for it.
I will post this story daily so if I forget feel free to yell at me!

Idk You Yet 『Bakugou Katsuki x reader textfic』
Fanfiction【 When an "accidental" wrong number leads to a lot of different emotions, y/n and Katsuki have to try and figure out what they feel for each other before they meet after tests. 】 》Started: November 9, 2020 》Start of posting: ...