Who are you?

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Arthur's point of view:

Merlin got up slowly backing away from my father, he walked out of his office without looking back.

I looked back towards my father "Arthur... forgive me... pleases I truly am sorry"

"No... you don't need my forgiveness"

I walked out of his office to be greeted by a mob of students, Lancelot comes running up to me.

"Dude, there's a BIG fight in the parking lot outside"

"What?" before he can answer, I'm already running down the hall.

When I get to the front doors I see a big crowd, I run up to the crowd trying to get around them.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY" I shout, some move and some are not listening, because their eyes are still on the fight.

When I reach the front of the crowed, I see a four people standing around Merlin. Merlin's face is bloody, his shirt his ripped, he's curled into a ball.

"HEY" every one turns towards me.

"Merlin, is this your night in shinning armor?... oh wait you have no one, you've always been alone... and you always will."

"No, he has me" as I say that the one of the two boys that was standing over him, throw him in my direction.

"Oh really, then why won't you help him"

Merlin looked up at me, getting to his feet he fell leaning over, coughing up blood. He final managed to say what he was trying to say "why do you care?"

"Ooooooohhhhh" the kids said in unison.

"Arthur... punish him, you know you want to" without hesitating I punched Merlin hard in the face.

The crowed died down, trying to comprehended what happened.

"Let's go" the four that were standing over him left, the crowed around us backed away slowly.

Merlin got up only to tumble over, I grabbed Merlin's wrist to help but he jumped away.

"Stay away" was all he said, breathing hard, when I tried to help him again he said in a harsh voice "who are you?" he got up, and ran back in the school.

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