The Nightmare

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Saleen found herself trapped in the huge mansion, running down the dark eerie hallway that seemed to never end. She heard the one sound that made her arms form goosebumps as she had complete terror flow through her body. It was the sound of a pair shears opening and closing, making a 'snip, snip' sound. She kept looking over shoulder trying to make out the face of the person who was following her; but she could only see a black figure with a old fashioned top hat, cause of the way the lighting was portraying its body. It had to be a man, that's what it looked like to her anyway.

The figure that kept making the shears make the noise continued walking slowly behind her in no hurry. The dark figure was following after her down the eerie hallway, for he knew she could only run but never hide or escape from him.

She kept running, frantically trying to open the doors that were in either side of the hallway. It didn't matter how much she turned the knobs, the doors wouldn't open cause they were all locked. Dread consumed her, that she may never get away and may die tonight.

She continued trying to open the doors as she made her way further down the hallway, she finally came across a door that was unlocked. She swung it open fast, rushed inside and slammed the door. She tried to lock it but there was no lock on the door. She backed up staring at the knob in horror until she backed up into the wall of the closet. She slid down the wall, down to the floor as tears streamed down her face as she trembled in petrifying fear. She sat on the floor as she wrapped her arms around her knees, rocking back and forth. She kept whispering "Saleen wake up, wake up damn it, wake up." She kept looking at the door knob in complete terror as she watched the door knob start to turn slowly. She closed her eyes as she screamed "WAKE UP!"

She felt like the room around her changed, she slowly opened her eyes and realized she was no longer in the dark closet in the mansion but she was in her very own closet on the floor holding her knees tightly staring out her closet into her bedroom. Saleen unwrapped her arms from around her knees, instantly feeling her muscles in her arms cramp up. She massaged them out gently but quickly and stood up and walked out of her closet, towards her bed and crawled in it. She was relieved it was just a harmless nightmare but it still creeped her out that she woke up in her own closet but soon forgot about it as she laid down in her bed. She drifted off to sleep quickly, completely exhausted.

As soon as she fell back to sleep, her nightmare continued where it had stopped, as if it paused waiting for her to come back. She was back in the dark closet looking up at the door knob turning slowly. Her eyes widened as dread consumed her body as shook from overwhelming fear. She heard the door knob click as she watched the door open slowly. Tears streamed down her face as she looked up and saw the dark figure standing there looking down at her. She looked where his face should be and saw bead size glowing red eyes looking at her. She couldn't make out his face, as it was hidden in the darkness.

Suddenly the figure bent down and grabbed her by the throat and tightened his hand securely around it and stood up back up as he lifted her up by the throat. She looked at his face in complete horror as she choked from his grip. She looked at his face and saw that the right side of his face had only muscle and bloody decaying skin. On the left side there was normal looking skin on his face but his lips were gone on that side and she could only see his teeth showing as if he were smiling wickedly at her. He wore a black top hat and a black tuxido, while he held a black cane.

He threw her outta the closet with unbelievable strength, as if she were a rag doll. She hit the hallway wall so hard the pieces of the red paint crumbled as the wood in the wall cracked and busted. She fell to the ground feeling indescribable pain throughout her body. This scared her even more, she shouldn't be feeling pain in a dream, she even tasted blood in her mouth as she turned over on her stomach trying to crawl away. Suddenly she was stopped as she felt the weight of his foot on her back holding her down. She looked up at him and he looked down at her smiling with the right side of his face. He took his foot off her back and bent down and grabbed the back of her neck with indescribable strength. It felt like he could snap her neck with just the smallest flick of his wrist but instead he dragged her towards a door. He opened it and she saw a flight of stairs leading down to a white marble floor. He swung her body over the railing as she screamed in terror and gathered the strength she had left and grabbed his arm with both of her hands. As she held onto his arm, her eyes widened in horror when she realized his arms was nothing but skin and bone, they were black like charcoal and had a sand like kind of texture.

She looked up at him as he released her neck but she still held onto his arm with all of her strength as she felt her grip slipping. She stared at him in terror as tears streamed down her face as she screamed, "Please don't do this! Please!" He just stared at her with an expressionless look on his face and said, "perish in ever lasting hell." He grabbed her arms with his one free hand and ripped her grasp off his arm and looked at her one last time and said, "see ya soon." He smiled and let her go, watching her drop, as she fell in slow motion towards the marble floor screaming in horror. As the floor came closer and closer, inches from hitting it, she closed her eyes, waiting for the pain to come when she would hit it head on, when suddenly she woke up, sitting up in a panic of cold sweat. She looked around her room in the dark as she was gasping for deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, along with her heart beat. She looked around her room and stopped short, when something caught her eye, she looked in the corner of the room. There standing in the corner was the wicked man. He was leaning against the wall as his hat was tipped forward, hiding his face in the shadows, with just his red bead like eyes staring at her. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized he wasn't in her nightmare anymore but in her room. She gathered the little courage she had left and turned toward her side table and flicked on her lamp and looked back at the corner where he was standing and was surprised nothing was there. Dread clenched her stomach, like she was being stung by a thousand bees, because she just realized he had come outta her nightmare and into her own world.

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