together forever 🐝

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Yang's POV -
The way her eyes shone in the darkness.. it was enough to lure me towards her enticing beauty. I always admired how she was so quiet yet confident; then there was me, the polar opposite, just loud and probably really annoying in general.
I love her.
I'm in love with Blake Belladonna. I want to be with her forever, even if it means-

"Yang!" ..doing anything I have to.
"Sorry, I zoned out, ehehe.." I glanced over at my younger sister, Ruby Rose. She clearly desperately wanted my attention; she was waving a video game in front of my face.
"Wanna play Kung Fu Ninja Slayer Ultimate Death Battle 2 with me?!"
Yep, this is Ruby's favourite game..sad I always beat her though.
I smirked at her. "I mean, if you want me to kick your butt, sure, but I might need to take care of something first." Ruby frowned sadly as I ruffled her hair. "I'll be no longer than 10 minutes, I promise." I left the room.
I need to talk to Blake. I need to tell her how I feel.
I ran outside to find Blake under a tree reading one of her books as usual. I ran over to her, at the same time realising it was a cherry blossom tree..
"Blake!! I, uh.. need to tell you something."
Blake looked up at me. "Actually, I need to tell you something too." She stood up.
"Uh, really? That's funny.." I laughed awkwardly.
"I was just about to go to the dorm to get you, actually.." Blake looked away.
"Okay, let's say both of ours on the count of three." Blake nodded, going along with the idea.
"I love you!" I blurted out.
"I have a crush on you..!" I heard Blake half-whisper.
I smiled at her, too busy blurting out my feelings to know I was crying.
"I love you more than anything else in the world. I love everything about you, your personality..I just want to be with you fore-"
Blake hugged me.I felt weird..I'm normally the one who has to hug her.
"'s okay, I won't leave you." I let myself quietly sob into her shoulder, and she led me to our dorm room without me realising. I just felt really happy knowing that she accepted me, and I might finally be able to spend more time with her.
Blake opened the door, and I heard Ruby say "Yang!! You're back, we can play now right?" I heard her gasp, and then walk past us. "I'll leave you two to it.."
Blake quietly sat me down, and I lay down looking at the wall, still trying to calm down. "You promise you won't leave me..?" I heard her laugh slightly. I felt so embarrassed letting her see me like this, but at the same time so comforted. I felt her lay down next to me. I rolled around to look at her, she just hugged me and said "Of course..I promise we'll be together forever." I smiled and kissed her gently.
Was this really what bliss felt like? I loved it. I don't think I ever want to leave.

Author's note - Hi! Thanks for reading the first chapter of this. This was my first ever time writing a fanfic seriously, and I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and I'll try to update this as much as I can!


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