Chapter 1: The CourtYard

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The Secret Marriage (Ch. 1)
     Kakoyin woke up in a cold sweat. The moon dimly lit the room through the cracks in the floor. He felt the hair on his body stand up and his heart pound as he sat up, he felt no comfort in the unfamiliar Kujo home.
    He rubs his eyes as he tried to erase the nightmare flashing through his mind. His face drops into his hands, and his finger gently rubs the scar where the flesh bud used to be. The small spot was raised and hard, a stark contrast to Kakyoin's smooth skin. He balls his hand in a fist before hitting it to the ground, he uses the leverage, and lifts himself off the floor in one swift motion.
   Kakyoin sneaks through the house, careful not wake Ms. Holly. She was needing her rest, and he didn’t trust her not to hover. The red head found himself outside in the expansive courtyard. The moon reflected off the pale concrete, lighting his path with little difficulty. The coolness of the ground felt good against his feet and gave him the calming feeling he needed to think about his dream.
   A dark, sultry voice filled Kakyoin’s ears…
    “you work for me now boy. I can give you anything you have ever desired in one simple command. You’re only requirement is do exactly what I say.”
   Kakyoin shakes his head in disgust, hoping to remove Dio's voice from his memory.
   A cough followed by a slight grunt brings Kakoyin back to the courtyard. He looks up to find Jotaro setting in the center of a bridge above one of the many koi ponds. His legs dangled just above the water as his arms rested on his legs. He laid his head in his hand, fingers lazily intertwined in his messy curls. Kakyoin hesitated before getting any closer, he wanted to know more about this man he was sent to kill. Dio spoke of his lineage and how much powerful potential this man had. He was huge, standing almost a foot taller than me, but the young man before me didn’t look full of power, he looked frightened.
     “I really don’t feel like talking.” Jotaro grunts without facing Kakyoin.
    Kakyoin froze, he hadn’t realized that he had started walking towards the bridge. His blush glows as deep as his hair before he turns at his heel.
     “…you can come sit here though, if you want…” Jotaro's voice was so low, and hesitant that Kakyoin almost missed it.
     Kakyoin walked up the bridge and slumped like a rag doll beside Jotaro. His thoughts had gained weight, forcing his body to feel weak. Jotaro stayed true to his word and didn’t speak so Kakyoin watched his cigarette smoke create a thin veil over the stars. He inhaled the soft mix of tobacco, and what he assumed to be Jotaro’s cologne. He found comfort in the sweet musky scent. Kakyoin’s eyes glanced over to Jotaro’s face, which looked softer-younger even-illuminated by the cherry of his cigarette, as if he had no right to be smoking it in the first place.
     “Do you want one?” Jotaro asks suddenly, breaking Kakyoin out of his train of thought.
    “Um…why not?” Kakyoin finds himself blushing again. Jotaro hands him a cigarette and a match. Kakyoin gets the match lit on the first swipe and puts it to the end of his cig. He takes too deep of a drag, forgetting how harsh cigarettes are going back to them. He coughs loudly as Jotaro chuckles.
    “Yada Yada. Have you even smoked before?” Jotaro asks Kakyoin between chuckles.
     “When I can bum them off my dad.” Kakyoin admitted sheepishly.
   “Jojo?” Kakyoin timidly asked.
   “Just because I offered you a cigarette doesn’t mean I’m in anymore of a mood to talk.” Jotaro’s voice was flat, and he had turned to face completely away from Kakyoin.
    Kakyoin huffs, irritated. “Who said I wanted to hear you speak? I just need you to listen.” Kakyoin forces a deep breath that causes his voice to soften slightly.
     “I still don’t understand why you saved me but I needed to thank you. Dio had made me a slave to my own fear, I was no longer the man I am now. Dio would go into detail about how strong I was, how powerful and useful I was but I never felt weaker in my life. He had absolute control over me…my actions… my motivations.” Kakyoin looked up at Jotaro before shaking his head in disgust. “The horrid things that man-that monster- asked me to do. “
   Jotaro adjusted how he was sitting, obviously uncomfortable.
  “But…” Kakyoin begins again. “ What I am trying to say is whatever you might need, I’m here to make sure it happens. I pledge my life to going on this journey in saving your mom because you gave me my power back.”
     “Stop.” Jotaro's voice was quiet but firm.  “You owe me nothing. I didn’t do anything the old man or Avdol would have done. Star Platinum was just the right stand for the job.” Jotaro finally turned to face Kakyoin, who expected him to look angry but instead he just looked defeated, like he had just confessed to an embarrassing secret. Jotaro snaps his face back to face the moon and lights another cigarette.
  Kakyoin crosses his arms in annoyance but before he can speak again Hierophant Green was in his ear.
   “He says he would do it again in a heart beat.”
   Kakyoin looks back up at Jotaro who still hasn’t turned to face him, but Star Platinum was right above him, rubbing his back and quickly moving his lips to speak for Jojo.
   Hierophant continues, “He did it because you’re a student right? He didn’t want to be alone on this trip…maybe you would be someone to talk to.” This made Kakyoin look up to Jotaro wide eyed to find him slunched over, his chin on his knees. His skin was as bright red as Kakyoin’s hair. Kakyoin chuckled to himself.
  Jotaro used his actual voice this time but it was harsher “I have no idea what’s going on with my mom…or with me.”
   He looks up at Star who tries to give him a slight smile. This made Kakyoin giggle.
   “Mr. Joestar told me that you called him an ‘evil spirit’ Kakyoin laughs again.  “You will learn to trust him, he knows you better than anyone and whatever your greatest need is, he will help you obtain it.” Hierophant lovingly wraps himself around Kakyoin’s shoulders.
    Jotaro was silent for a moment “What about Dio? The old man and Avdol seem pretty shaken up.”
   Kakyoin brings his legs to his chest and squeezes them tight. Hierophant buries his face is Kakyoin’s chest as flashes of bodies covered in blood overtake his mind. Graphic images of  women running to him in absolute fear and their horrendous screams begin to flood his senses once again.
   “Dio is a terrifying monster who believes that nothing stands in his way. He has no care for human life but has the ability to charm anyone he speaks to. Shit, in all reality, I doubt he even has to speak”
   Kakyoin’s voice caught by then, remembering Dio's persuasion towards him. He looks up from the ground to meet Jotaro listening intently, his eyes not breaking contact with him.
   “but I am determined to go on this journey. I will never given into that weakness again. I will never live another day in fear.” Kakyoin’s voice had risen by the end, he closes his mouth tightly in embarrassment.
   Jotaro simply nods once before turning back to the moon. “Thank you for not listening to me and making me talk.”
  “I am always happy to not listen to you.” Kakyoin smiles up at Jotaro who meets him with a half smirk. “Do you feel any better?” Kakyoin asks with genuine concern.
    “Not in the slightest. But I know I am trust you now. “ Jotaro replies simply.
  Kakyoin smiled to himself as his cheeks turned a light pink. “Thank you Jojo.” He rises to his feet to head back to his  room.
   “Good night…Noriaki” Jotaro sighs softly towards the moon.
  Kakyoin turns before entering back into the house to find Star waving and talking to the fish right below the bridge and the shaking of Jotaro’s shoulders as his he was laughing as his smoke rings kept dancing in the dark.

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