how it all began

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y/n was walking through the halls down to the great hall for dinner. As she turned the corner she bumped into someone. That someone happened to be Draco Malfoy.

"oi watch where your going you idiot, you could have injured me" y/n said with a slight hint of anger in her voice. She looked up from the ground only to come face to face with this tall blond haired boy who was wearing an all black suite from tie to shoes. "oh Draco... im so sorry" she said felling guilty for shouting at him even though she didn't know him but knew his repetition.

The blond stood their and looked down at the black haired girl who was carrying her school bag over one shoulder and wearing her uniform that was a tad messy from bumping into him. "its fine be careful next time Lestrange" he said walking past the girl that once stood before him. Y/N brushed it off and continued on her way to the great hall where she sat next to her two best friends.

"hey guys" she said sitting down with a plate of food in her hands

"hi" both Blaise and Pansy said at the same time causing y/n to look up at them with a weird look on her face. She continued to eat her food when she was interrupted by one of the professors talking. It was Professor slughorn.

"As you all know by now due to the war from last year the wizardry population has decreased, meaning the ministry has put a new law in place that states all 16s and over will be paired with someone and have to marry them. That someone will be you soulmate you will b taking a potion during some point over the next two days in order to decide you soulmate, the potion has to be drank once you have drank it you will become attracted to one person you most desire almost like a love potion. Once you find out who that person is you will write it down on a piece of parchment and give it into one of the professors from you new life skills class." this caused everyone to break out into a riot.

y/n was not happy with this new law, what is I got someone I hate she thought.

It was now the next day and y/n was not looking forward to it, it was her day to take the potion luckily she was with Blaise. She sat in her seat worried and anxious as hell, she kept going through the people she has ever liked or thought could be her soulmate. back and forth between hundreds of names. Professor Slughorn then called her name out, "y/n Lestrange". this was it this was the moment that could change her life for the best or the worst.

She got up looked back to see Blaise who was clearly worried for her as he knew what she had been through after her mum had died she was the only person Bellatrix actually cared for and loved, so when y/n found out her mum had died she locked herself in the house she once shared with her mum and started suffering from anxiety { A/Possible trigger warning, I also suffer from it so if anyone wants to have someone to talk to feel free to comment} but Blaise helped her through it all he was like a brother to her. Once she made her way up to the front she picked up the small bottle of potion opened the cap and took a big breath in.

As soon as she has consumed the potion she turned back around to face the class looking to see if her soulmate was in the room she was in. Her head switched from person to person until she found him. He had blond hair and was wearing a all black suite from tie to shoes. That's when she realised who it was. Draco Malfoy.

Thoughts raced through her head. how is this possible, I don't even know him. whenever her speaks to me he is always so mean. it cant be true. She turned to look at Blaise and as she did she felt herself collapse onto the floor, and before it all went black she remembered seeing one person, her was wearing a suite that seemed to have the jacket and tie missing. Who could it be?

{ thank you so much for reading this is my first ever draco x reader story and I am not great at writing I struggle but I hope you guys like it. feel free to comment ideas for chapters or parts of the story. I will post a new chapter every Saturday as im busy during the week. one again enjoy}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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