𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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(Not gonna lie but Funtime Freddy kinda thicc there😂)

We arrived at the pizzeria at 8:00. Thank goodness it was 8:12.

I was still shaken up about the dream I had.
I hadn't had the guts to speak to William yet and he had tried talking to me after I had told him not to.

As I was going to get out of the car William opened the door.
He stuck out his hand like he had done a previous time.

I hesitated.

I was going to grab it but the thought of William stabbing me came to my mind.

I pulled my hand away and got out myself.
This probably made William want to know what my dream was if I was avoiding any contact with him.

We walked into the pizzeria and I stayed a good distance from William.

Henry was standing in the main area with some other employee and he looked pissed.
Henry then happened to look over at us and saw me instantly.

"(y/n) what a surprise to see you." Henry walked over and gave me a hug.

I was stunned at first but gave him a hug back.

It was awkward but whatever I needed some comfort.

He looked back over to where he was talking to the employee but the employee was gone.

"Oh thank god he's gone. Sorry about that abrupt hug (y/n) I hate that kid he's a pain." Henry said to me.

I gave a small smile.

"It's okay Henry."

Henry then analyzed my expression.

"(y/n) are you okay? You seem nervous or scared."

Crap I gotta play it cool.


"She told me she had a nightmare last night and she is still startled about it." William answered.


"Oh sorry to hear that (y/n)" Henry seemed somewhat upset about it.

"Anyway William there are some papers I left on your desk for you to fill out?"

My body tensed up. That is exactly what Henry said to William in my dream.

I could feel myself drain the color from my skin and I began to feel nauseous.

"I-I have to use the bathroom." I rapidly said.

William and Henry looked at me and they could see something was wrong.
But before they could do anything I ran to the bathroom.

Once in there I went into a stall and vomited in the toilet.

"Holy shit I am such a nervous wreck."

I stayed in the bathroom for 5 minutes and waited to calm down more.
I left the bathroom and looked for either William or Henry.

I didn't see either of them so assumed they were in their offices.

"There was no William meaning I can go back into the pit." I thought in my head.

I shook the thought away.
I got killed when I did that in my dream and I'm not having that happen.

I walked down the hallway to William's office.

No matter how bad I didn't want to see him I couldn't go to Henry.
He doesn't know what William did.

William's door stood tall in front of me.
After some thoughts I knocked.

"Come in darling." William's faint voice says.

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