He takes care of you on your period

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You and harry lived in the same building but different appartments,you had been dating him from 2 years. He was very familiar with your period mood swings,craving and cramps by now.

You were napping on your couch and the cramps were really bad, harry was gonna come over today after 15 mins so you didn't bother to call him..you were very comfortable with him about your period,you would text him the second you got your period so that he could help and take care of you..but this time he had no idea cause you forgot to text him due to the horrible cramps..

After some time you were watching Netflix and he entered from the door, you were groaning in pain, the cramps were horrible this time and you couldn't even say him a hi. When he saw you like this he had no idea what was wrong. Then he rushed to me and asked " What's wrong?honey" and you replied in tears "Haz I have horrible cramps,I feel like I'm gonna throw up and I just want ice cream" He looked at you in an adorable way. He understood that it was your period. He went to the store to bring some stuff. He came back with a smile on his face and a bag. He told you to get up and then he gave you the midol and then he gave you the ice cream and you sat down with him watching movies.

In some time the cramps started to kick in again, you let out a groan and started crying. "is it really hurting that bad?" harry asked." Yes harry and it feels like someone is stabbing me with hundreds of knives together." you replied. He felt really bad for you, he bought you a heating pad and was running his hands in my hair. Then you just moved Harry's hand in anger,he was really confused. "Can you stop annoying me" you said. He was confused that what annoyed you but then he knew that you had the worst mood swings and he apologized even though it was not his fault. Then he continuously ribbed circles on your stomach, gave you loads of cuddles and then another cramp hit, but harry knew it cause he saw the look on your face so he filled your mouth with ice cream and keep running circles with his fingers on your lower abdomen where he knew you had the worst cramps and then you continued watching the movie. You were feeling very weird and you didn't want to stay in the house, so harry asked "do you wanna go on a drive?" You replied"Nah my stomach hurts really bad I can barely walk" he was feeling really bad for you,that you had to go through this every month. Harry then said "Sweetheart ,do you wanna come at my place maybe it will feel different than sitting in your place. You nodded . You were getting up at and as soon as you put your leg off the couch the cramp hit up,then you decided to sit for a min so that the cramp could get less and then you could get up. Harry looked at you confused that why aren't you getting up. He sweetly asked "you ok honey?" You replied with a noo while scrunching your stomach really hard and screaming. He understood that you weren't able to get up, so he took all the stuff first at his place that you needed and then he picked you up and carried you to the hallway to his apartment. You both went straight to the bed as you were very tired. He then cuddled you near your stomach to calm down the cramps.

It was the middle of night when harry saw something with his half open eyes while turning on the next side he saw thst you were laying in a pool of your own blood. He kept shaking you and you woke up. Then he said "Babe can you get up for a second, I need to change the sheets" you exclaimed and said "Omg did I bleed through?" He nodded. Then you got annoyed and said "This was the last thing I wanted to happen gosh!" "I'm so sorry haz I bled through" "you can get up and I'll clean it" you said. He said "no darling you go clean up yourself and I'll change the sheets" "but I made this mess and I shall clean it, and let's be real its kinda gross to clean" you said. Harry replied " honey it maybe kinda gross to clean but I don't want you to clean this thing while having horrible cramps and mood swings all I want is for you to clean yourself up and let me do this" you nodded and went in the bathroom. You noticed that harry thought so much about you that he had kept an extra pack of tampons just for you and with a smiley face on it, it made you weep really hard that he is such a caring boyfriend. You were really long in the bathroom so harry knocked to see if everything was okay but when he knocked he heard you weeping he got scared and entered in you were sitting on the floor and crying cause everything made you so emotional. He asked" may i ask why are you laying on the bathroom floor?" You replied by saying " you are such a good boyfriend you had an extra box of tampons for me and all I do is get angry and annoyed at you" harry replied " honey because of you I'm such a caring person and you are a really good girlfriend..and we don't need to worry about that now we need you to change and clean up.." he left. Then you changed your tampon and washed your hands and came out with you hand on your stomach because of the cramps with a sad face, he was laying in the bed waiting for you. As soon as you came in he got up from the bed and asked you what's wrong love? And you said that your cramps were getting really hard to control and that you couldn't even talk..he put you to bed and gave you a massage you and then he feel asleep but you still couldn't fall asleep because of your stomach.
You got up from the bed at 7:30 AM roaming in the house.. harry heard your footsteps and got confused and got out of the bed to check up on you.. He asked "since when are you walking and why?" "harry the cramps are literally killing me and I cannot have this conversation with you just leave me alone!" You said all annoyed. He was a master at handling your mood swings..
He left you alone and sat on the couch while using his phone and also keeping and eye on you..

After some time you pulled out a chocolate from the fridge and sat on the couch while eating it..
Then you got up and went to the bedroom and feel asleep finally
He saw you and then he wrapped a blanket around you cuddled and you both feel asleep..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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you are on your period and harry takes care of youWhere stories live. Discover now