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"Pandora! What's on your mind?" My twin sister said trying to shake me from my trance. I was thinking about the stares from draco I got this past week. Hermionie pulled my hands out from under my chin and I finally broke my glance on the table. "What's that" Ron said looking at my paper. I hadn't realised I was doodling and I looked down just as curious as him. There it was the words that replayed through my head in cursive writing. 'Fear, stares, anxiety, lovely' " dont know...Sorry guys, my heads just not in this today I think I'm gonna go take a walk." I said glancing up at them and looking back at the table. We were suppost to be studying but I couldnt stop thinking about the stares. I pushed my chair out from under me and grabbed my books to leave Before I could leave alone like I wanted someone grabbed my hand. "Ill come with you" Hermionie said and started to drag me out of the library. We walked together to the great hall silently. Until malfoy passed us. He gave me the same look he had the past week. like he knew something and it's been killing me for the past week. I hated not knowing if something was happening. I felt completely oblivious. Hermionie pulled me into an empty classroom. "Okay Pandora Granger fess up, what's going on with you." She said sternly. I yanked my hand out of her grasp. "Mionie, nothing is wrong with me...I'm perfectly fine." I said trying to smile through my annoyed state. "Pandora you havnt been eating or sleeping much, your seriously starting to worry me, oh and dont forget the fire whiskey found under your bed last week" it was true. Dracos knowing stares turned me completely upside down and left me in the dark. It was the first thing I thought of when I woke up and the last thought I had before sleeping, if i slept. I picked up a bad habit with drinking to deal with the anxiety, but how did mionie get into the slytherin dorms? "Hermionie, I'm almost 17 I dont need you treating me like a baby, I want to have fun before I die NOT experiencing things and I think you should have some fun too. I don't see the problem with that. Howd you get into my dorm anyway." I asked raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms on my chest. "Oh. I just asked a simple favor of pugface. But that dosnt explain why you havnt been eating, and drinking is so horrible for your heath what would-" "HERMIONIE GRANGER DONT YOU DARE... dont bring them into this..." it was quiet for a moment I knew if she brung our parents into this I would cave in. "if I tell you will you leave me alone" I asked the annoyance pooling in my voice. The room was silent once again. I wanted to spill everything but I didnt want to feel vulnerable."Yes" was all Hermionie said and I practically spilled my guts out rambling on and on about the spirals "Okay Hermionie, for the past week I've been getting these stares from Malfoy when ever we pass in the halls or in class or in the dining hall. Hell And even at quittidge practice. It's like he knows something I dont. Like somethings going to happen and I cant figure out what. I feel completely oblivious." I said sighing at the end. And sitting on a desk beside Hermionie "Pandora, you are completely oblivious, I think he fancies you." She said giggling "HERMIONIE snap out of it. It's not that kind of look" I said rolling my eyes. She was delusional. We sat there for a minute "Pandora, do you fancy malfoy?" Hermionie said and I quickly shouted "NO OMGOSH HERMIONIE HES RUDE AND OBNOXIOUS AND-" "Ok ok, calm down I get it" she said laughing at my frustration. "I think I'm gonna head to my dorm, possibly catch up on some sleep." I said turning to Hermionie who was now behind me. I hugged her tightly and quickly pulled away.

I got to the common room and it was deserted. Most were in there dorms asleep, or off somewhere doing god knows what. I decided just to curl up on the sofa with a book. The fireplace was warm and made me feel cozy. Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.

Third POV

Pandora Granger is lying on the couch asleep. Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zambibi walk in the common room not noticing she was there. "I dont know Draco I think we should tell her, I mean her father's a stone cold murderer."

Pandora POV

I woke up to a voice I was quiet familiar with. Blaise Zambini. "I dont know Draco, I think we should tell her, i mean her father's a stone cold murderer. What if he-" I shot up startling both boys. "Who.." I said and they both jumped. I laughed a little. " long have you been here" blaise asked walking over to sit with me. Draco followed behind him. Blaise was now sitting beside me and Draco on the other sofa."Long enough to know someone's father is a murderer so who...?" I waited a minute with no awnser before I said "FESS. UP." intrigued but trying to be intimidating as if I wasnt already. "Blaise we dont have time for this." Draco said standing up. "Shove it Malfoy" blaise said and Draco sat back down giving up on a fight he knew he already lost. "Pandora.." blaise said turning from his friend to me. And draco sat back down. "Have you ever wondered why you and your "twin" dont look the same, I mean your freckles, eyes, dimples, hell figures even." blaise said looking matter of factly "duh blaise what's that got to do with this" I said scooting in closer to him. We were now shoulder to shoulder. "Well, theres really no easy way to say this and Draco I think it's only fair you say it your the one who was told." Blaise said looking over to his friend for help. Draco sighed and I turned towards him. "Pandora, you are a Black, Sirius blacks daughter, wich means we are cousins. Your not a disqusting mudblood after all" He  said laughing a bit. and I fell back on the couch. "That's why you've been giving me that look when we cross in the hallways. Like you knew something was going to happen" He just nodded his head. "Wait...Sirius is out, you dont think..." my voice trailed off and I got lost in my thoughts. What if he came to Hogwarts and actually managed to get in. What if people found out. What would Hermionie say. Why didnt our parents tell me. Did they even know? What if he attacked? I felt a hand go up to my cheek and wipe a tear I didnt know had formed. I turned to see blaise. "I wont let anything or anyone hurt you, whatever your thinking about just stop everything's gonna be fine. I'm here pandora, I'll always be here." He pulled me into a hug and before I knew it I was snuggled softly into his shoulder. I hadn't realised Draco left. Blaise ran his fingers through my long brown hair. still holding me for what felt like an eternity. "Thank you blaise, it means alot that your here with me it really does." I looked up to see him smiling down at me. "No problem... we should probaly get to sleep." He said looking over to the fire. I pulled away and smoothed my wavy hair down a bit. "I think I'm gonna stay down here tonight." I said while he stood up. "Do you want me to stay with you" blaise asked. I wanted that more than anything but I felt vulnerable and like I wanted to be alone but knew I didnt need to be. I needed someone to be here to comfort me. "No, that's fine." I said before I looked down at my fingers. I was playing with the hem on my skirt before I realised he was sitting back down. "Pandora it's fine if your scared, you dont have to hide it. Your the strongest person I know. Before you can object I'll be back with blankets and pillows and snacks, you might wanna go get changed." I laughed as he walked up the stairs. He was an amazing friend, for a moment I kinda wished he was more.

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