Hair Cuts and Cute Butts

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"I've been thinking it's time for Kelly's first haircut. And maybe we could all use a little trim, so I made us all appointments to get our hair trimmed." Adalind informed Nick at dinner. "It's at a salon owned by wesen. But don't worry, they know you're a grimm that has a family with a hexenbiest."

Nick knew better than to answer with anything other than an "Okay." Adalind was the beauty expert of the family and if she said they all needed haircuts, then they all needed haircuts.

When the family entered the salon the next day, the stylists showed no fear or hesitation in tending to the grimm/hexenbiest family.

The kids got their hair cuts first. Diana wanted to keep her hair long so she just got a trim and was done very quickly. Nick gave her his phone to play with while everyone else was taken care of.

Since Kelly was so young and, just like his father, had a difficult time holding still, he sat in Adalind's lap while the stylist maneuvered around her.

Nick swore he saw Adalind tear up as Kelly got his first hair cut. She stroked her finger over a chubby cheek, in awe of how fast time was passing.

Kelly, unaware of the emotional turmoil in his mother's head and heart, had a huge grin the entire time the stylist worked on him.

"Such an adorable little boy." One staff member said.

"The father's not so bad either." Commented another. "I wouldn't mind running my fingers through his hair."

"And that's why you're not the one cutting his hair. The last thing I need is a hexenbiest, who also happens to be a skilled lawyer, angry with my shop. There's no telling how much I'd lose." The owner told her employee.

Nick, Kelly and Diana finished with their haircuts, it was Adalind's turn.

The staff were understanding and patient, giving Adalind time to compose herself before getting her ready for her haircut..

When she was sat down, Nick overheard Adalind's hairdresser ask her, "What style are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking I'll go short. Maybe about here." She held her hand to about mid neck. Then she held up her phone and showed the style that was on her mind to the stylist.

Nick had his doubts about liking the short hair style. He had always preferred women with long hair. But he was not about to think he had any right to express an opinion one way or another on how Adalind chose to style herself.

To his amazement, Nick really liked Adalind's new look. If he had found her irresistible before, it was nothing compared to the way she looked with her hair short and framing her face. The new style was fun, flirty and very kissable. It drew Nick's eyes to Adalind's neck and shoulders, practically screaming for his lips's attention.

Seeing the gleam of delight on the grimm's face, the salon owner stated to the hexenbiest, "I think your husband likes your new look.

Adalind just smiled. She knew that look in Nick's eyes. She was certain he would be showing her how much he enjoyed her new look for quite some time.

"Nick, seriously." Adalind giggled. It must have been the fifth time that day Nick had peppered kisses along her neck and shoulders.

"The skin was just there, calling for my lips." He defended.

"You're lucky you're cute." She told him with a roll of her eyes, but tilted her head to the side to give him easier access.

"I'm lucky you're really cute." He responded, wrapping his arms around her and burrowing his head into her neck.

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