Chapter 1.

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PRESENT DAY She awoke to the bright morning sun glowing through her window alerting her that the day ahead had begun and that her day was ready to begin, reluctantly crawling from her bed she stretched, yawning as she removed any tiredness from her body as she went about waking her little angel up and getting her ready for school. Maddie had given birth to poppy almost 6 years ago after fleeing her home in search of a new beginning for herself, but instead fell down a dark rabbit whole of the one gang she had grown to call her family, The White Mafia.

   6 years ago Maddie hurriedly packed her bags wasting no time in shoving everything she would need in her bag, leaving the one place she had called home. It wasn't her decision to leave home at 17 but she knew it had to be done. She couldn't keep living her life like this, never knowing what had happened to her mother, never knowing anything, always being left in the dark. She was finally going to get answers, and from the one person she knew would help. Esme Cove. 

Maddie had know Esme since 1st grade. They had both been competing in a dance competition at the time, just two girls with big dreams of New York and big dance schools, never knowing the challenges coming their way. Maddie was the quieter one of the two, a petite girl with brown curls that cascaded past her shoulders, with dark eyes that could melt your soul like butter, Esme however was her opposite, she had golden hair that fell past her shoulders to her hips, and eyes so green they put the forest to shame. Both girls had grown up in wealthy families never understanding the true problems their parents faced behind closed doors. Never knowing the paths they'd have to walk down, never knowing if they'd make it out to the other side by each other side. The only true worries the girls had was weather or not they would be able to dance their lives away in the big apple.

But they weren't little girls anymore, they had changed and experienced things that had changed them. Maddie was no longer the quiet girl whose eyes melted your heart. She was now feistier, and fighting for the things that meant most to her. As for her best friend, well they hadn't spoke after she left town after Maddie's mother had gone missing. The day the papers got released with the news of Mrs Anderson's disappearance Esme's father whisked her away to a quiet town in the middle of no where, not a word, not even a goodbye. So Maddie set out to make it her mission to find out what happened to her mother, to her best friend, and to find out what all the whispers were truly about.
Finally satisfied she had packed enough for her trip she left the one place she had called home for the past 17 years, leaving everything behind that once brought her comfort. Her drive to the little town she knew her friend was living in was a tiresome one, but she knew for the sake of her family, and that of her daughter on the way, she knew she needed answers and that this would be the best place for it. 

 Arriving at a cabin, that from the outside looked old and fit right into the neighborhood, she hesitantly walked up the long dive arriving at a tall oak door with the words Cove House etched into it. Feeling the sudden feeling of security she took a hesitant knock on the door, except the site she received when the door eventually opened was not one she was prepared for. Expecting Esme or her father to answer seeing as it was their home it was safe to say she was both shocked and startled when a man answered, he was tall and had hair almost as dark as her own falling ever so slightly over his dark chocolatey eyes. He stood tall, almost defensively, slightly shifting under the brunettes intense stare, her eyes briefly looking over the small word etched on his wrist Promesa. Her eyes soon snapped upwards as the man, who she yet to learn the name of, cleared his throat. 

 Clearing her throat she looked up making direct eye contact asking the one thing on her mind "Who are you?" 

 The unknown man who had moved ever so slightly closer blocking any view inside the manor from her, smirked slightly catching her eye, outstretching his hand, "Vlad, but most call me V"

Gulping ever so slightly she hesitantly took his hand shaking it firmly. Suddenly gaining any confidence she mustered, she asked the one question she came to know. 

 "Is Esme Cove here?" A gasp could be heard from within startling both of them as they turned in the direction of the noise to be greeted by a girl, hair golden and down to her lower back, eyes that could put the forest to shame. No one said a word other than the strange man she had learn to know as Vlad. 

 "Speak of the devil and she shall appear" he said a joking smile lingering his face as he looked at the blonde, Maddie stood eyeing the interaction wondering who he was to her already bored of the situation and just wanting to talk to the one person she cared about. 

 "Mind moving you big oaf so I can see my best friend" she said a playful glint in her eyes as she pushed past him engulfing Maddie in a hug. Barreling past her the blonde launched herself towards her never minding the fact Vlad was now recovering in the doorway after being roughly shoved into the door frame.

 Pulling away grins lining their faces, the girls took their time looking over one another remembering what they last looked like when they last saw each other. Maddie had changed dramatically from what Esme had remembered. She now had longer hair draping past her should finishing mid way down her neck flowing in elegant curls that looked like they had been perfected by a god. The way she stood no longer made you feel like you were surrounded by the happiest girl alive, she now seemed reserved and as if she carried a burden.(edited)

Suddenly remembering why she was here, her expression changed. She was no longer smiling like the Cheshire cat but instead showed no emotion at all. At this both Esme and Vlad stiffened wondering what could be so bad that all emotion vanished form her features that once held so much joy and happiness.

 Hesitantly Esme spoke "What's wrong" worry laced in her voice her features immediately softening as she went to hold her friends hand, only to have Maddie turn harshly away to her trunk pulling at a case file that looked like it had survived millions of wars. 

 At the exact moment a loud shot rang out in the distance, causing both Esme and Vlad's faces to turn to pure panic, hurriedly grabbing Maddie and hurling them indoors they made sure the door was bolted top to bottom. Maddie took this time to take in her surrounding. Lining the bourbon coloured walls, where photos, Maddie didn't recognise half the people who lined the dark and eerie corridor, but there was four at the end that she knew, because they were faces she was oh to familiar with.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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