Chapter 8

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What defines you as a good human?  What are the measurements of right and wrong? There could be so many different responses to those questions yet only one I feel like I would fully accept without a doubt. You feel it. Deep inside you know what your actions are, cause you are the measurement, you are the scale. If something weighs on you, if something feels not right, if your breath gets heavy while you are about to do it, then you know what you are about to act upon. And he knew too yet still he could not back away.

Daniel glanced around at the empty unfamiliar house in which he had gotten himself into, feeling the urge to act as well as the fear of the possibility of being caught. He was playing with fire and he knew that yet he had no one to blame but himself. He got himself in this mess. A mess he could not find the strength to walk out of.

With a beating heart, he stood up from the couch where he was seated and approached the front door of the apartment which he was allowed to stay in till he finds another. Such a nice person that you seemed to be when you had spoken of those words to him. How thoughtful and cautious you had portrayed yourself to a mare stranger which he was to lie if he was to say that didn't felt a slight bit of jealousy towards you at that instant.

And later seeing and meeting all your friends at breakfast sure had him feel that tiny feeling grow a bit more because sure you seemed to have things he didn't and you seemed to be something that he could not be. 

Daniel left an exhale escape from his lips as he reached for the handle and made sure that the door was closed as he had locked it once you had stepped out of your apartment leaving him behind.  An apartment in which he had things to do once alone.

He left the key in the keyhole just in case you were to return then proceeded to walk towards the door of your bedroom in which once before it, he stopped and left some soft apologetic words.

"You won't even notice I was in there, I promise." He added before turning the handle only to realize that the door was locked as it did not bulge.

"Ah, I guess she is not that stupid after all." He smirked a bit, finding the fact that you had locked your bedroom before leaving as a sign that you didn't trust him around your personal things at all and that was more than normal yet he was hoping that your kindness and maybe hurry of the moment would have made his job easier, but it hadn't.

He ruffled his hair as he turned around with a smile that kept growing wider as he walked towards the room that you had given him and in which he had left his suitcase.

Everything at the right time...One step at a time, one step at a time.

He thought to himself as he entered his room and closed the door behind him, feeling the rush inside him to get over with this yet at the same time knowing that he had to act smart in this and not let his emotions sway him away.

---Change of set---

The unknown man seemed to have frozen as he kept looking at you, making you step aside in thoughts that you had gotten on his way or something but despite the fact that you moved his eyes followed you as shocked as before making you slightly uncomfortable.

"Ah, I am really sorry, Please go on with your way." You spoke to him then quickly passed by, not sure if that apology was needed or not but at least it got you out of that awkward situation.

You walked at Jimin's door and proceeded to enter the code to get in, still feeling as if his eyes were on you yet you didn't look again his way and just entered once the door open, leaving JaeHyun there standing.

Why did you have to appear before him so suddenly? He exhaled just now the breath that had gotten caught up in his throat because of you. Why did you have to pass by so quickly? His eyes barely got to see you again. Time sure felt unfair to him at that instant. Like a thief that stole away something from him. He felt robbed and mad, he felt sad yet excited cause now he was closer than he had ever been. Yet not close enough to fit his imaginations.

---change of set---

Areum Jungkook and Sira were in the same car, having left your house together and instead of each going their own ways, they had ended up passing some time around, which consists mostly of Jungkook carrying the shopping bags that his girlfriend and Sira ended up buying.

"You do you keep rubbing your shoulder. The bags weren't that heavy." Areum spoke to Jungkook who was seated beside her while she was the one driving the car.

"They were."He replied with some pouty lips making Areum smirk at his behavior while Sira was just staring shocked at him.

"Wow, I would have died without knowing that you can behave cutely. Having a girlfriend really changed you huh"She stated with intentions of teasing him and succeeded as Jungkook looked towards her at the back seat and gave her a stare.

"You better not go around running your mouth about this."He warned her, feeling slightly embarrassed that he had forgotten her existence in the car for a moment and had exposed himself like that.

"Don't worry my dark knight. I shall take your secret to the grave and protect your honor at all costs."Sira joked and the car got filled with the waves of laughter of the girls that soon got accompanied by his.

"You seriously can get so funny." He admitted as Jungkook had always found her entertaining.

"Thanks, I wanted to be a comedian at one point but I realized I don't like the possibility of being taken as a joke."She replied words that made Jungkook's smile grow wider till Areum brought the car to a sudden stop, shaking them from their seats.

"Wow be careful babe, what-" Jungkook turned to look at her only to notice that she was staring ahead, thing that made him follow her gaze curious of what had made her stop and cause a traffic commotion while they weren't even at a red light.

"Areum?"He called her name and she finally looked at him before quickly apologizing and going on till they reached the parking lot where they were supposed to drop Sira.

"Thanks for the ride guys. It was fun passing time with you. I hope we can meet again soon."She thanked them and they both agreed with her wishes before seeing her step out of the car and go.

"What was that?"Jungkook asked his girlfriend as soon as Sira was gone, not planning on letting her earlier behavior go by unmentioned.

"Nothing, I just blanked out for an instant."She replied her eyes not meeting his, thing that made Jungkook even more suspicious.

She got ready to get off again but Jungkook turned off the car before she got a chance to step on the pedal again, his actions getting her full attention.

"What's wrong with you today?"He asked her and she left a sigh escape her lips before taking the courage to look at him.

"Well...I don't want you to worry... but...I think I got hands-on something that could possibly bring quite a commotion."She admitted despite the fact that she had told herself that she was not to speak of it until she was to get one hundred percent sure.

Jungkook felt the intensity of her gaze as she looked at him and out of reflex he gave a quick look at his surroundings, feeling the need of absolute secrecy for anything she was about to tell him.

"I am listening"

---To be continued...

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