Grandma Fanfic

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My grandma had just turned 68. I was in charge of planning the birthday party for her. I went to the dollar store and Walmart to pick up decorations and supplies for setting up the party. My mom would usually help me but instead, she was out of town, probably at a bar. Now you may wonder why my mom is at a bar. Well, it's a long story but basically, my dad left us when I was about 5 so my mom has just been all over the play and at bars and hasn't been taking care of me. My aunt takes care of me so she's like a mother to me. I have extreme respect for her. I had just got home from the store with the party supplies and my grandma looked extremely happy.

Ok, so a bit of a backstory on my grandma. Everybody calls her Bertha and she's kinda a legend in our family. She owns a company where she makes butt plugs and it's extremely successful, she worked extremely hard night and day, non-stop for 20 years. She built the company from the ground up. She named it "Big Bertha's butt plugs." Her name is known all around town and she's extremely hard working. She's retired now, she lives in a 3 story, white house with an elevator and 2 plants in front of the entrance inside the house. She has two statues of gargoyles outside her house and pillars 10 feet parallel from each other and about 50 feet away from the house. She has gates surrounding her house making a 98x98 square foot area.

When I had walked in the house Bertha was sitting down knitting. She looked up with a buoyant smile and gave me a nod. She pointed to the kitchen where the cake was. My aunt had been here before and she brought the cake. She works at a dairy queen so she made the cake and brought it with her when she got home from work. I walked into the kitchen and set up the balloons. I organized them in a red, white, and blue pattern because my grandma was in the military and she's very patriotic about it. While I was setting up the last balloon I felt something touch my waist.

"Hey young handsome man, how about you show your old hag a good time?" Before I could make a move her body grew to almost the size of the hulk and she fucking body slammed me and started making out with me, she swiftly moved her hand down my stomach and yanked my pants down. She slammed my head into the ground with her left hand and I wasn't able to get up. Now I know this sounds dumb but she has enormous strength. While her left hand was strangling my head, her head was down by my dick and she was going ham, non stop slurping like a fucking slurp juice from Fortnite.

I heard a ding on my phone and it was my phone. A text popped up "Aunt- Hey so I'm almost at the house, I'm only 5 mins away and I brought cupcakes! Don't tell grandma though!" Bertha saw the text and she threw my phone, "Let's take this to the bed!" Said bertha. I tried escaping and I'm a pretty buff guy. I was in wrestling and our school had one the wrestling champions for 6 consecutive years now, so trust me Bertha is one of the strongest people I have ever encountered. She threw me on the bed and then she closed the door.

"BIG BERTHA BOUTA EAT THIS SHAWTY UP!" She launched down at light speed and ate my ass up. Like she ate it like pumpkin pie, she was going off. She took off her bra and she had DD saggy titties. They looked like eye bags if somebody had stayed up 2 weeks in a row. She forced my dick inside her and she thrust against my body and she was going hard. I let out a moan and she said "YEA MOAN FOR BIG BERTHA!"

"Oh no," said big bertha. "Bertha! Y/N I'm here!" we heard her walk to the room, "what are you guys doing?" My aunt stated. "Oh nothing honey, just cleaning my bed!" said Bertha. "Oh ok well have you seen Y/N?" My aunt cried. "He went into the backyard to get chairs from the shed," Bertha stated. "Oh well text me when he comes back, I have to go to the store to pick up some things." My aunt said. "I will don't worry about yourself, dear!" Bertha screamed.

"Oh god oh no," said Y/N. "AW YEA BIG BERTHA BOUTA EAT CHO TINY BOOTH HOLE UP!" she then threw me against the wall and got out a dildo. She thrust it in and out of my ass until I was moaning non-stop. She stuck her fingers in my mouth so now I was fucking her, she was fucking me, and she had her fingers in my mouth. I let out a moan and I couldn't take it any longer, I orgasmed from my ass and dick at the same time, it seemed Bertha did the same.

Bertha got a towel and cleaned it all up. Her muscles retracted and she became a tiny old lady again. She walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. She looked back and winked at me. I lay here, on the ground, in my mind thinking "yo what the actual fuck in the fucks of fucks just fucking happened?" Never in my life would I think something this extreme and unordinary happened to me. I heard a ding on my phone. "Didn't Bertha throw my phone?" I thought to myself and when I looked I saw it on the bed, it seemed she only threw my case and she kept the phone in her pocket. My aunt had texted me, "Hey! So I and Bertha are in the kitchen setting up the chairs and we need your help, can you come out of the bedroom and meet up with us?" I couldn't imagine walking out looking like this, my jeans were ripped and my ass was destroyed while my mouth hurt.

I switched out my jeans and shirt and then walked out of the door. My aunt greeted me and I helped them set up the chairs. After we got done with all the preparations all of our family members came over and we all sat around Big Bertha. We all sang happy birthday and she blew out the candles. Everybody asked, "What did you wish for Bertha?" "Oh nothing just to live another year that's all, haha" Everybody laughed. Bertha then turned around and then she winked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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(ONESHOT) Grandma FanFic 18+, (Male) Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now