The Shape of Things

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Ere I heard the sages sing

Of lights that trace the day,

I begged the best of us to bring

Our hands to mold the clay,

And while we searched the earth to find

The meaning in the dust,

We felt a whisper of design

Fly away from us.

Ere the wolves began to bite

And bared their teeth at prey,

I set the winter woods alight

With nothing but a gaze,

And drunk the heat of snapping branch

To swallow up the sun,

And danced and danced an avalanche

Until winter had won.

Ere the Gods did reach their thrones

And bend to natures will,

I felt the nameless in my bones

Like nothing I could still,

And laughed the world to death's chagrin

For humor feeds the soul,

And full on the edge of everything,

Did I reach into the whole

Ere the hopeful did regret

The shapes they never could forget,

What to their eyes are silhouettes

And secrets to keep.

I knew the ways the trees would bend

And now I know that they pretend.

I held their shapes inside my hands,

Ere I fell asleep

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