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He's starting to realize that perhaps there's much more to her than her hands. | Warning: Smut/ NSFW |

Word Count: 5044

Thoughts are italics in quotations = 'Example'

Flashbacks are in italics = Example


She'd learned quickly how to play his game, all in order to stay alive.

Somehow, she managed to keep herself cool enough to do well, even while stuck alone with his dark presence, furthermore, despite being struck nearly stupid at his entire being.

' Stay silent.' She thought to herself, always remembering the one rule, which meant :

Not a word.

Not a murmur.

Not even a muffled huff.

'Just be quiet,' She added, knowing it was what had saved her. It's what he loved best.

'Just...exist.' she told herself while remaining calm, despite the heavy drumming of her heart each and every time he came near.

- It was yet again another night, one that had for the most part gone as expected.

He came home, neatly putting away all of his things, silently coming to greet 'her' with a soft kiss to her knuckles that meant he was happy to be back.

He spoke of how relieved he was to be home, of how sorry he felt for leaving her without his company for so many hours, going on and on about how he wished he'd spent not a second apart from her.

'There's just one thing off,' She thought to herself, picking up on a hint of a burnt, Smokey scent which initially stung and made her stomach churn, a strange sweetness lingering afterward and far past the smell she quickly recognized.

'He's been smoking,' She realized, having caught onto the smell the previous two nights as well, but brushing it off, not finding it possible for the man when he'd been so diligent in keeping his schedule, and much more, taking such care of himself.

At first, she'd assumed that perhaps he'd gotten too close to a coworker on break, that, or walked into the smoke along the way home, but a third night debunked both theories.

She wondered over the new growing habit as he spoke, not worrying much about not paying attention to him because throughout it all, he never looked (f/n) in the eye, his words and overall attention staying right on her hands.

She was already well aware that all that had mattered to him were both hands, each taken care of with diligence because she'd quickly found out that anything less would anger him.

Smiling sweetly, he continued to run kisses over the flesh, the open-mouthed presses beginning to sound sloppy as he started to lose his composure, his breaths becoming more labored,

"Ah... (f/n)" he sighed, causing her to shiver, her focus driven back to him as mindlessly, her thighs pressed together as she heard the breathless utter, his thickened voice causing her to harshly swallow down her spit.

"Tonight, I need your caress," he told her, all while one of his hands led hers down to his hardened manhood, her other limb assigned right beneath his lips, dutifully showered by huffy kisses.

At that, she shut her mouth tight, hoping to calm her racing heart as his erection was pressed against the palm of her other hand, his excitement strained by his pants that had yet to come down.

Yoshikage Kira x Reader oneshot //drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now