Everything starts with a mystery...

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Nobody's POV.

It had been a very tiring day for a certain broccoli haired boy at UA high but none the less he was as excited as ever. Midoriya Izuku the holder of One-for-All after All-might a hero in training was heading towards his dorm after another day of training.

Izuku's POV.

'Great goodness I thought to myself today was sure tiring, now i'm pretty sure kacchaan hates me though it was obvious, well i better cool off there's no school tmrw so I can watch some fights and do extra training with Allmi- wait no he said he was busy this weekend, but then what do i do-' without noticing I had already reached my dorm but there was a strange sight a package lay on my bed- wait how did it get there, did a villain place it there!!?? Should I look at what's inside? No it could be dangerous! I should tell the pro's but why was it given to me then... Yes, I got it I should call my friends!!!

A few minutes later...

"Alright shitty nerd, i'm here now will you tell me why the f- you called us here at 1 in the god damn night??!!" A familiar voice boomed from the corridor this was none other than Katsuki Bakugo. " Well I seem to prefer the night" was heard from a bird-head named Tokoyami " Come on Bakubro take it easy on Midobro just for today" A red-haired boy also identified as Kirishima Eijiro had flung his hand over the angry pomeranian's shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. 

" Tch- Whatever shitty hair" The voice boomed. " Bakugo this behaviour is not tolerated on school ground you should know this by now-" the voice was rudely interupted by a " yeah whatever glasses, no one gives a f- about your rules" " Bakugo that was highly innapropriate" " Yeah yeah whatever damn sonic" " As class president i must-" " NO ONE CARES" *sighs* The class Rep. also known as Tenya Lida was currently giving up on the hopeless hothead who had no sense for rules. How did he get stuck with such an irresponsible class, well... only he knows that... " Right so before I was very rudely interupted-" " Oi shut your trap glasses i'll tear you to damn pieces!!!" 

"Guys, guys calm down Midobro called us here for something to let him speak" "Right Midoriya sorry the others could make it and i'm a bit late" This new voice that rang was none other then Todoroki Shoto himself. " Oh yes, its quite alright Todoroki-kun, i'm just happy you guys could make it, earlier today after training I found a very suspicious looking package and I debated a lot on whether to open it or not but before you got here I could resist and I-" " Just get on with it damn nerd your mumbling is annoying!!!!" " Right sorry Kacchaan, I decided to open the package and found some games-" " Jeez so you called us all the way here just to play games!!!" 

"Bakuhoe let Midoriya speak, Yes Midoriya continue" " Oi Icyhot Bastard i'm going to blow you up" Bakugo grumbled as explosions were seen from his hands, Midoriya flinched at the sight as Kirishima calmed him down again. Midoriya continued explaining " Well the games seem like normal games but the seem suspicious and most of the rules seem to be strange like I opened the Ouija board game and it was said to be played inside The Selphagor Mansion... There are also other rules and items, but we seem to have most of it there is also a list of games but it has been said to start off with this one..." 

"Oh The Selphagor mansion well this seems to be getting interesting well I have no plans for the weekend and if we're talking about communicating with the dead i'm in my fellow emo's" Tokoyami's voice was heard. "But must we not inform the pro's I mean it could be a dangerous trap that-" " Oi shut up glasses I don't believe in ghosts for shit but if it means annoying the hell outta you i'm all in it" " I agree I shall accompany Midoriya though I don't believe in ghosts" " So Midobro I informed the others and most of them seem the be in it, basically almost the whole class and Shinso-" 

"Eyebags?! Why would eyebags come along??" " Well Kaminari invited him and he agreed so-" " Ugh stupid dunce face, fine whatever" "Right I forgot to mention I told them we leave tonight at 3..." " Wtf why would you do that shitty hair??!!!" " I shall start helping Midoriya pack then" " Right- bye Kacchaan if we're supposed to reach in another 2 hours we better leave early" " I still think we should alert the pro's but I know I wont be able to change your minds so I shall come along it is after all as Class Rep. to protect-" "Yeah, yeah screw off glasses and let us get ready" said Bakugo as he and Kirishima left to start packing, Lida decided it would be a good idea to help his classmates pack so he also left with Tokoyami to get ready.

Little did Class 1-A know that this little decision was going to change their lives forever...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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Bnha - It all started with a Package... A Bnha Horror StoryWhere stories live. Discover now