᭝᰷ฺ໋݊🍊ᮁ᳟ࣳ - six

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it's been two weeks i'm in kanoa high school with amazing friends, especially the boys. i feel so close to them like we have known each other for ages. jihoon is so lucky to have a best friends like them.

also mashiho and i, we are like best friends, we are so close. i'm so comfortable with him. i don't even know why. everytime i am with the others alone, i will always feel awkward. when with mashiho, i talk with him comfortably. there will always a topic that we can talk about.

break time will always be my favorite time, cause it's the time now. suddenly, i feel like i want to pee. so i tell the boys that i will join them later. i went in to the girl's toilet then doing my business. like, private business.

after that, i went to the sink, washing my hands like there is no tomorrow. not gonna lie, the reason why my hands are so soft because i always wash my hands like my life depends on it. after washing my face, i stare at my self at the mirror. i swear if someone comes in, they might think i'm a weird-creepy kid.

i walked outside to see a blonde haired guy, tall like jeongwoo i guess? and he has a good-looking face. he's staring at me with his hooded-eyes, leaning on the wall. while i'm staring at him weirdly. he looks like a creep.

"is there anything that i can help you?" i asked him while my head tilted to the side.

he looked down, staring at his nails before asking. "you're jihoon's favorite lil cuzzy right? park miwa." he said with his monotone voice.

"uhh–all i can say is yes," i hesitantly answered.

i won't say that i am jihoon's favorite cousin. i might feel bad for my other cousins, but me and jihoon are very close.

"cool. wanna go break with me and my friends?" he asked without any hesitation.

what's with the sudden offer? i mean, we literally just met. right here and now. i don't know if i should accept him or not. what if he brings me to somewhere and do something bad to me? plus, i'm with jihoon.

"i don't–"

"please, just this once. besides, it's not like i'm going to take you for a break everyday. i know jihoon will misunderstand, right?" he looks up to me.

he's right. he knows well about jihoon. i don't know if jihoon will get mad or not. but hey, why can't i at least have some fun time with others? other than jihoon and his friends.

"sure," i gave him my infamous smile.

"my name is hwang hyunjin," he stuck out his hand for a shake.

i shook his hand before saying. "you have a cool name."

"like me," he winked at me.

i chuckled uncomfortably and followed him in to the lunch room. someone waved his hand at us with a wide smile. we walked to them as i sat beside hyunjin and acrossed two handsome guys.

ugh, why does this school have so many handsome and cute guys?

"hello miwa, i'm felix," a guy with his tiny and cute freckles introduced him self while smiling at me.

"oh are you from the other countries? your name is kinda unique," i asked him shyly.

"well, that's just my nickname in australia. my korean name is lee yongbok," he smile sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck.

"name's jisung, han jisung," jisung gave me a wide smirk and winked at me. he has this squishy cheeks, black messy hair and his bangs almost covering his eyes.

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