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I zipped my black duffle bag shut and set it beside my packed suitcase. I scanned my room to see if there was anything else I needed.  I looked at all the photos on my walls, all the smiling faces of the people who loved me, all the great memories. I smiled as tears rolled down my face. I knew what I was about to do would hurt all of them, especially my family, but I knew I had to do this. I wiped my cheeks with the sleeve of my favorite Everlast sweatshirt that my dad bought for me and took a deep breath. I grabbed some pictures and slid them into the front zipper on my backpack. Buzz buzz. I looked over to my glowing phone on my bed to see my older sister, Joy, calling. I picked it up and slid my finger over the screen to answer it.

"Hello," I whispered.

"I'm here. Are you sure about this Layla," she asked.              

I took another deep breath, "Yes. Look, we'll talk in the car."

"Okay bye!"

I ended the call and put my phone in my backpack. I set my duffle bag on top on my suitcase, grabbed my guitar case, and my backpack. I quietly opened my bedroom door. Right before I closed it, I turned around to take one last look in the room I grew up in. That room held so many memories, good and bad. I smiled and shut the door, I knew that I'd be back, but I knew it wasn't going to be for a long while. Silently I made my way through the familiar hallway, taking in everything I could. When I reached the front door, I softly turned the knob and the cool breeze of the night hit me. I set all my bags on the front porch and walked back in. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began to write.

Mom, Dad, & Kendall,

               When you read this I'll already be on a plane to Australia. I know this is sudden & I was supposed to be going off the college in a couple months, but I felt that I needed to chase my dreams. If this doesn't work out I'll come back home, but I'm really hoping my music career will work out. I'm sorry that I didn't say bye in person, but I knew I couldn't. Please don't be mad. I need to do this. I'll call you as soon as I land. Thank you for everything; raising me, believing in me, & for always being there.  All the love and support you guys have given me means the world.  You all have helped me become the person I am today. I just hope I can make you proud. This isn't a goodbye letter because I'll be back, so see you guys very soon. I love you guys so much!

                   Love always,


I folded the paper and set it on the coffee table. As I turned the door knob, I smiled as I looked back at the place I grew up. Joy had already loaded everything in her car. I got in the tiny car and fastened my seat belt. We drove out of the small town I've known so well and right then I knew it was time for me to breakaway and embark on an amazing journey.

About an hour later we arrived at the airport. Joy and I unloaded my bags and placed them on the sidewalk. I tuned to her and I saw the tears in her eyes.

I threw my arms around her and whispered, "I'm gonna be okay. Don't worry."

"I know, but you'll be in another country. I'm just gonna miss you so much. How did you grow up this fast," she sniffled.

I cried and laughed, "I don't know. I'm going to miss you too Joy. Thanks for being the best sister anyone could ask for."

"You're so welcome. Thank you for always being there," she lightly sobbed.

We pulled away and I took her hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze, "If you want to talk, I'm only a phone call away. You can even facebook or tweet me."

She laughed, "I don't know about tweeting you, but expect a call from me everyday."

I smiled, "I'll be looking forward to it."

I gave her one last bear hug.

"Bye Layla," she smiled with a few more tears running down her cheeks.

I returned the smile, "Don't worry, I'll see you soon Joy."

She got back in her car and I gathered all my things. She waved one last time and then she was gone. When she drove away, I felt like a piece of me went with her. Joy was not only my older sister, but she was my best friend. I shook off the sadness and walked in the airport. I checked in my bags, went through security, and before I knew it it was 5AM; time for me to board my flight. I got on the plane and sat in my seat. I took my phone out of my bag along with my headphones. I slowly drifted to sleep  and when I woke up I was in LA for my first three-hour layover. I checked my phone and there was no call from my parents yet, but there was a text from Joy: Good luck in Aus! I know you can do this! I'm so proud that you're finally chasing your dreams.

I smiled I replied: Thanks:) I'm in LA now, heading to Sydney soon, & then on to Melbourne! xo

I decided to go grab a bite to eat and look around some of the gift shops. I had about 10 minutes to  kill,  so I decided to just go on YouTube. This one video "Dare or Dare" caught my eye. I clicked on the icon and as soon as the video started, I began to hysterically laugh. The video was made by the Janoskians which I assumed that they were the boys in the video. I shut YouTube off and headed back on the plane. Like before, as soon as my music began I was out for the rest of the long flight.

All of a sudden I felt a light tap on my shoulder. My eyes fluttered open to find an empty plane and a  flight attendant in front of me.

I took my earphones out and she said, "Welcome to Sydney, Australia!"

"Thanks," I replied with a tired voice. I grabbed my backpack and headed off the plane.

I stepped into the airport and I immediately smiled. It was so bright outside and everything was so new to me. My layover here was about an hour long so I decided to go grab a snack. While I was walking to a table to sit down and eat, I heard girly, teenage shrieking. I turned to see what it was and because of the swarm of girls I couldn't even tell. After I was done eating, I began to head back over to the gate. I pulled out my phone and the screen said 14 New Messages. Most of them were from my mom asking why and any other question she would have.

"Flight 6B to Melbourne, Australia may start boarding," came through the speakers.

I  quickly sent her back: I'm sorry. I'm in Sydney now & I'm about to get on a plane to Melbourne. I'll call you when I get to my hotel! I love & miss you. :)

I handed my ticket to the woman behind the desk and began walking. I made it onto the plane and looked for my seat. I found it and sat down. On all of my flights I lucked out and didn't have to share a seat. I placed my bag in the seat to the left of me. I brought my knees to my chest. I looked out the window as we took off. I was blown away at the beauty of this country. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but I willing to try.

Before I knew it we landed and I finally got to get off the plane. After the trip here, I didn't ever want to see another plane again. I was making my way over to baggage claim when I heard that loud shrieking again. This time when I turned around I saw five boys running right at me followed by at least 50 girls. I all I could do was stare because for some reason I recognized the boys who were running, but I couldn't figure out why. I was too busy thinking I wasn't paying attention to what was going on. The next thing I knew I was knocked down to the hard tile with another person falling on top of me. When I opened my eyes I saw one of the cutest boys I've ever seen. He had jet black hair that kinda flipped up in the front. He had light brown eyes and a silver lip piercing. I could tell he was pretty muscular from him falling on me.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," he said in a sweet Australian accent as he stood up.

He extended a hand to me to help me stand and I gladly took it. Thank God the other boys kept running and took the other girls with them or else we couldn't gotten trampled.

"Oh it's fine," I replied as I wiped my black leggings.

I then looked at him again and smiled and put out my hand, "Layla."

He returned the smiled and took my hand, "Daniel."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2012 ⏰

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