Better with you: Part two

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Chapter one.

It had appeared to be one day mid-November when reality walked into their lives, uninvited.

"Nicole, have you seen my camera? Ella asked frantically.

"Did you check in the top drawer?" Nicole asked absent-minded.

"I already did." Ella's patient was wearing off. "Gosh! This can't be happening."

"Well, where did you put it the last time you had it?" Nicole asked folding her arms to her chest, looking at Ella as they stood in their bedroom.

"I'll go check in the living room." She walked out of their bedroom and down the passage to the living room. "Hey Nick, have you by any chance seen my camera?" Nicholas shook his head lightly.

Ella rummaged the living room she did in the bedroom. She checked under the coffee table, behind the cushions on the couch, under it but her camera was nowhere to be found. She dove her hand deeper in the corner of the couch when she felt a plastic, she rolled her eyes thinking it was one of Nicole's candy wrappers as she always ate candy and snuck the wrappers in the couch.

"What's this?" She frowned looking at the small transparent plastic. There was white powder in it.

"What?" Nicole asked walking into the living room. Ella held up the small package for Nicole to see.

"Is this cocaine?" Ella asked as they both scrutinised it. She averted her gaze to Nicholas.

"What are you looking at me for? It's not mine." He stated his voice unsteady. Ella just nodded not believing him but saw no point in arguing with him.

"What am I going to do"? Ella cried throwing herself on the couch.

"Can't you ask someone to fill in for you?" Nicole asked feeling sorry for her lover.

"It's my gig and it's a huge one. This is my big shot to improve my career but now I guess not because my camera mysteriously disappeared."

"Don't be such a cry baby." Nicholas snorted. Ella and Nicole glared at him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "It's just a camera. You can always get another one."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Ella furiously rose up to her feet. "That's company expense."

"Unless..." Ella stated nonchalantly.

"What?" Nicole asked both her and her brother looking at Ella.

"You!" Ella pointed to Nicholas.

"Uh-uh. Ella." Nicole shook her head at Ella. "You can't go around making those kind of accusations." Ella looked at her despondently.

"I guess I'll have to ask someone else to fill in for me." Ella said throwing herself on the couch.

"I can't do this right now. I'm late for work." Nicole kissed Ella on the cheek. "I'll see you later."


"Ella, phone!" Nicole yelled.

"Can you please get it, I'm in the shower." Ella responded from the bathroom.

"Hello?" Nicole answered the phone.

"Hey sugar. Do you miss me?" A flirtatious voice asked on the other end of the line.

"Who is this?" Nicole asked trying to remain calm.

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind wondering who I am. Just tell Ella know that I left her a little gift in the top drawer." She hung up.

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