Ed Annoys Havoc

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I do not own FullMetal Alchemist or any of the Characters in this story

“Where’s Havoc?” Ed asked a very bored Roy Mustang “Ummmmmm napping in the closet I think” Replied Roy uninterestedly “seriously?” Ed had just started his math homework so he had a math book. Ed walked over and started poking Havoc with it. Havoc swatted it across the room “hey if I ruin that book my math teacher is going to kill me” ex wailed but made no move to retrieve it instead he continued to poke the sleeping Havoc with a pencil, which Havoc snapped in half easily “B**CH I need that to write!” Ed yelled but picked up a spoon and started poking Havoc again. Havoc who was quite angry at this time snatched the spoon from ed and threw it hitting him in the head “ow” ed muttered “at least I’m used to it being beaten with wrenches” Ed transmuted his auto mail and started poking Havoc again “agh don’t you have homework to do?” Havoc grumbled “yes but I don’t care” Ed announced continuing to poke Havoc who spazzed and yelled “GO AWAY I WAS UP ALL NIGHT AND NEED SLEEP” but ed continued to poke Havoc until He called Ed mean and made him go sulk in the emo corner

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2011 ⏰

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