𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦

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William gave me a death stare.

"You remember don't you?"

I stood in fear. This was a bad idea I shouldn't have asked him.

William banged his hand against the wall, "Answer me (y/n)!"

"Y-yes I remember what happened."

I closed my eyes.
I was terrified, he had slapped me yesterday so I was expecting another hit to the face.

When I had felt nothing I opened my eyes but this was way worse than a slap.

William had a knife pointing at my neck.

"Scream and you'll die." William said coldly.

His blue eyes were glowing with purple.

"Darling if you tell anyone about the remnant and my eyes I will stab you repeatedly until you are dead. Do you understand."

Tears were prickling my eyes

"Y-yes I understand."

My fear seemed to satisfy him.
His smile grew and his eyes widened.

"Oh darling you get so scared easily it's almost adorable."

My face turned red.
William took his other hand and tipped my chin up.

"Maybe just too adorable..."

William pressed the knife to my neck.
Now I started to cry.

"Don't cry cupcake I won't hurt you too much."

I was too frightened to even care that he called me cupcake.

William then leaned in closer to my face.
He was just inches from my lips.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Our eyes looked over to the phone hanging on the wall.

William stepped back and put that knife back in its holder.

He grabbed the phone and answered it, "This is the Afton's residence."

"Oh sorry Henry I was meaning to call you. I have a fever and won't be at work today."

"Thank you Henry I'll see you later friend. Bye."

William hung up the phone.
I still stood in the same spot, still baffled by what happened.

Was he about to kiss me or kill me?

"You're lucky the phone happened to ring or things would have gotten messy." He smirked.

My cheeks turned pink.
I didn't know if I should that a sexual way or a murder way.

William walked past me and grabbed his cup of coffee.

"I'll be working in the garage, if you need me just knock on the door."

And just like that William was in the garage.

"What the fuck just happened?" I blurted out.

I stood there and looked at the floor.
I could have died.
That was a stupid question to ask.

My eyes went from the floor to the sink.
There was a small pile of dishes in the sink.

I walked over to the sink and began to clean the dishes.
William did say to help him clean the house so I might as well do the dishes.

I got it done in about 5 minutes and had put away all the clean dishes.

After I put away the last plate I ascended up the stairs to Mike's room.

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