1 - Newborns Are A Exhausting

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1st book! Who! Let's go!
I have like 10 books planned for this haha


I slowly open my eyes as the sunlight pouts into my room. I smile. I even start to giggle. Today is going to be a great day. I start to rise and the first thing I noticed is the amazing smell coming from beside me. There's a small table propped up next to me with all my favorites for breakfast. Miss Cassette is there pouring my orange juice.

"Good morning Cassy!" I say while giving her a toothy smile. She smiles warmly back and says, "Good morning Lady Lizabeth, what would you like to start off with on your special day?"

I shriek in glee. Today really will be the best day ever. After all, it's my 5th birthday today and the age where I get to be a pretty princess! Yay!



My feet hurt and baby is eating dirt.
Fuck me.

I wipe the sweat off my forehead and bent down to pick up the baby. Then wiped her forehead of sweat(and mouth of dirt, ugh)too, and carried on.

As the day melted away and I walked through these woods, I somehow lost my bag with my supplies, my horse who has my other supplies, AND my other bag. Which had more supplies. Very useful supplies.

And in return I got a wailing baby. Well, she actually didn't cry much. Thank whatever. Still, I don't get how I got pulled out of the A&A for this, I enjoyed going to Academy in the mornings then going to Sky's Army in the afternoons. Anyways, there's plenty of more people that are capable of this mission. It wasn't that hard, knocked out a few guards, threaten a few scientists, then boom! Baby on board.

She's cute at least. Hybrid too, though I don't what type. She has caramel skin with soft tuffs of hazelnut hair. I expect it to darken as she grows. Her eyes really stand out against her hair and complexion. They were dark blue. Beautiful really, reminds me of the ocean behind Mineve.

I sigh. I guess despite loving A&A, I really do miss home. It has been almost a year.

I miss Alexis, my epic souli. Soul-Sister to be exact. With her raven hair always braided and those sharp eyes. Though I always like to joke that I'm sharper.

I miss my niece, GG or my little aria. Her orange dyed messy bob and galaxy hoodie. Both her signature items.

Then there's my Elder. Ellielise. Long, soft, auburn hair with those burning red eyes that seemed to warm more than burn. Our best healer, leader(don't tell Allie), and elementalist. I aspire to be everything she is. Someone who is warm and comforting, but also can burn if need be. A great leader and master of her elements. She knows all 4. Of course, typical Phoenixes.

So maybe I might not be everything she is, no way I can learn all 4 elements, much less heal like she can.
The woman can heal amputees, I can only heal minor scrapes and cuts at best.

Speaking off minor scapes and cuts, the damn baby scratched herself again. She likes to raise her hands up but when she gets tired and they fall, they someone fall on her face and her nails scratch her forehead. Smh

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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